Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015

7 Manfaat Membaca Al-Qur'an

7 Benefits of Reading the Quran 

The Quran is a book of Muslims revealed by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel intermediaries. According to the language of the Quran means "reading".
Meanwhile, according to the Qur'anic term is Kalam Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

On this auspicious occasion, I will post about 7 Benefits gained if we read the Quran (Koran).

1. Got Tranquility

According to research a doctor psychiatrist, Koran can give peace to the reader and are listened to by 97%. There is a research report submitted to the conference of Islamic medicine in North America, that people who listen to the recitation of the holy Quran will get peace of up to 97%.

2. Can Treat Disease

Each atom contained in our bodies experience a vibration in a certain frequency. If we are attacked by the disease, the vibrations of atoms in our bodies will change. If there are any small changes in your body atomic vibrations, then we will be attacked by the disease.
If we read or listen to the Quran, the recitation of the Quran will change the vibration of atoms irregular be back to normal and will keep our body healthy again. It is also described in the Hadith:

"Be ye use both medications: honey and the Quran" (HR. Ibn Majah and Ibn Mas'ud)

3. Feeding the Brain

According to research by experts, read the Quran after Maghrib and After Fajr will increase our intelligence up to 80%. This is because, at that time of day to night there and vice versa which in these times occur 3 activities at once is to see, hear and read (Al-Quran).

4. Spared From Bad Deeds

Every time reading the Quran sure we will remember the creator of heaven and earth, that is, God. This will cause us to be afraid of sin or evil. Because we will know God is always watching over us wherever located. If we already sinned, when we read the Quran we will be afraid to repeat it again because every time we read the Quran, God will rebuke us through the verses of the Koran.

5. Adding Science and Insights

Koran contains a lot of science. If we understand the contents of the Quran, we will automatically become knowledgeable people. Even the Koran first provide theories about science than the scientists. There are many other sciences contained in the Koran is not yet known.
6. Al-Quran Provide Clue

People who always / diligent reading of the Koran will always be given instructions so that is not easy to apply distorted and discouraged. This is because the revelations of Allah always remind the reader of the Koran when they stumble into sin and immorality.

7. Got Relief in Doomsday .jpg

In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim Prophet, "Read the Qur'an by all of you, because reading the Koran is read while living in this world will be syaat or helper for his readers in the Day of Judgement." To that end, multiply reading the Koran when you are still able to read it in order to get help on the Day of Judgement.

In the Hadith of the Prophet explained "Read the Koran by all of you, because reading the Koran is read when life in this world will be the intercessor or a helper for his readers in the Day of Judgement." (HR.Muslim). So it is advisable to read the Quran while they are able to earn intercessor on the Day of Judgement.
Proposition Naqli read the Quran
"The best of you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it."
(Reported by Bukhari)
"And We have sent down from the Koran, which became a bidder (a drug) and a mercy to those who believe and that the Koran does not add to the people who do wrong other than loss"
(QS17: 82).

Manfaat kulit Manggis

Benefits About Skin Mangosteen
Eating Garcia in the correct dosage is able to provide perfect health and vitality, and prevent illnesses that can strike. This is a premium grade health drink:
Strengthen the immune system.
Heal inflammation.
Improve communication between cells.
Thwart DNA damage.
Aids the lymphatic system.
Maintaining optimal thyroid function.
Reduce insulin resistance.
Help with weight loss.
Heals nerve damage.
Balances the endocrine system.
Tools of the synergy of the body.
Relieve hemorrhoids.
Helps reduce blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).
Relieve skin diseases reddish / scaly (psoriasis).
Helps heal wounds.
Relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome (a disease that occurs in the wrist and fingers caused by the pressure that often occurs in that section.
And usually often caused by overuse of the keyboard and mouse).
Eliminate chronic dry scaly skin disease (neurodermatitis).
The anti-inflammatory of mangosteen may reduce the scales and itching of the skin disease
Help prevent heart disease.
Strengthen blood vessels.
Lowering LDL cholesterol.
Lowering high blood pressure.
Helps prevent arteriosclerosis.
Help overcome the disease GERD (chronic disease characterized de¬ngan flow of stomach acid into the esophagus).
Helps heal ulcers / sores.
Relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Help stop diarrhea.
Can relieve inflammation of the small or large intestine known as Crohn's disease.
Could prevent one of the inflammatory bowel disease (diverticulitis).
MAKE MORE ageless:
Increase energy, increase the excitement and raise stamina.
Slow the aging process.
Helps prevent deterioration of the brain (dementia and Alzheimer's).
Help prevent kidney stones.
Help prevent nervous system diseases (Parkinson).
Relieves pain due to arthritis.
Repairing the damage from the use of painkillers (NSAIDs).
Tools for the eyes.
Reduce fever.
Coping with food poisoning.
Sore throat remedy.
Help heal canker sores.
Overcoming shortness of breath.
Helps reduce the migrant (headaches).
Reduce toothache.
Natural sleep aid.
Improving the ability to cope with stress.
Improve mood and reduce depression.
Aids muscles and joints.
Eliminate acne and blemishes on the skin.
Eliminate bites, burns and poisoning.
Relieve sprains, muscle and joint tension.
Relieve abdominal pain.
Relieve sore throat (bronchitis), emphysema (emphysema), and inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).
Working as a painkiller packed / compressed in the nasal (decongestant).
Help prevent infertility.
Helps prevent prostate enlargement.
Relieve difficulty urinating.
As a gentle laxative.
Minimizing pain symptoms before menstruation (PMS).
Relieve the symptoms of menopause.
Reduces menstrual swelling.
Relieve pain in muscles, ligaments, or tendons (fibromyalgia).
Relieve pain from disease decrease in bone density / pe¬ngapuran bones (osteoporosis).
Helps relieve asthma.
Could prevent hyperactive and attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and food allergies.
Forming teeth and bones stronger.
Preventing gum disease.
Eradicate tuberculosis.
Lowering the side effects of lactose intolerance.
Helps prevent dysentery.
Helps prevent diseases of the central nervous system (multiple sclerosis).
Can prevent cancer.
Relieve chronic inflammatory disease (chronic inflammation) that attacks the spinal structures and especially of the hip joint (Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Help prevent lung infections and chronic respiratory (cystic fibrosis).
Prevent symptoms associated with lupus.
Reducing disease severe muscle weakness (Myasthenia gravis).
Now in Indonesia there are drugs that can menyemebuhkan HIV / AIDS
According to Dr. Ir Raffi Paramawati, M.Si, of Agricultural Engineering Research and Development Center, all fruits contain antioxidants, but the highest antioxidant content only in the mangosteen fruit and was found on the skin. Furthermore, he said that not all antioxidants present in fruits is healing diseases, in contrast with the mangosteen, mangosteen antioxidants that are able to cure various diseases.
Efficacy remarkable mangosteen fruit was accommodate a company that has 20 years of producing food and health drinks it gives birth to Garcia. Since its presence, Garcia has helped cure many dangerous diseases, one HIV / AIDS. A consultant HIV / AIDS in Bandung Franklin testified very confident that Garcia had saved 88 lives, nine of which have entered the stage of AIDS
Similar testimony was also expressed by H. Ki Ageng S. Dewantara an herbal therapist practicing in Bali asserted that as long as he uses Garcia for patients with HIV / AIDS, already 4 people recover and medically proven. The average period of the process toward recovery under 1 year. Mas Kurnadi also testified about the greatness of Bali Garcia healing people with HIV / AIDS. A young man who had given up hope of his life because he was only a month due to HIV / AIDS. After drinking Garcia for 1 year, the youth now a healthy life and longevity.
Garcia Super Antioxidant
Garcia mangosteen peel extract is the latest generation of natural food supplements. antioxidant super food is a combination of natural ingredients that have been through the process of scientific research and advanced technology. Garcia sensational Skin Mangosteen extract consisting of vitamins, nutrients plants Xanthones compounds including antioxidants and anti-aging.
3 main advantages Garcia:
1. Drinking night makes sleep soundly and wake up refreshed fit, drinking morning can add extra power.
2. For younger (anti-aging) as well as help increase male and female hormones
3. Prevent and help cure heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes mellitus.
Latest Technology Garcia Skin Mangosteen extract very remarkable properties because it is processed with high technology and formulas derived by the method of Yin Yang, Balance Formula resulting quality 10 times superior to the products of other brands mangosteen
By simply taking Garcia per day, then all (additional nutrients) are there, who treated the body has been replaced. Garcia Skin Mangosteen extract has 75 (seventy five) benefits for our health and help cure various diseases.
Garcia Skin Mangosteen extract to ward off the attack of free radicals that can damage our cells.
Start a healthy life and spare your future and your family.
What it Xanthones?
Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) is very beneficial for health because it contains Xanthones known as antioxidants, antiproliferativ, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Exceeds the antioxidant properties of vitamin E and vitamin C.
Xanthones are natural chemical substances that belong polyhenolic compounds. Researchers from the University of Taichung in Taiwan has been isolated and deviratnya xanthones from mangosteen rind (pericarp) are known are 3-isomangoestein, alpha mangostin, gamma-mangostin, Garcinone A, Garcinone B, C, D and E garcinone, maclurin, mangostenol.
A study in Singapore showed that the antioxidant properties of the mangosteen fruit is much more effective when compared with rambutan and durian antioxidant.
Xanthones are not found in other fruits except the mangosteen fruit, mangosteen in the world because it was given the nickname "Queen of Fruit" or The Queen of Fruits.
From various studies content of xanthones and derivatives effective against cancer
breast in vitro, and heart disease drugs. Kasiat garcinone E (devirat
xanthone) is far more effective to inhibit cancer when compared with flaraucil cancer drugs such as cisplatin, vincristine, metohotrexete, and mitoxiantrone.

Cara Menennangkan Hati, Jiwa dan Pikiran

How to Calm the Heart, Soul and Mind
1. Train the way to Communicate
Communication is the key to socializing.
Sometimes there are problems, when a person has to communicate with other people, especially in dealing with the problem of differences of opinion.
Therefore, you must learn to communicate well, especially how different expression and attitude, when you think less acceptable.
And that is far more important is to train your humble attitude.
2. Changing Environment
Changing the environment in this case is not forcing you to change friends, workplace especially where you live.
But rather is how you can change the habits that usually makes you uncomfortable.
3. Relaxation
There have been many who do this is relaxation.
Relaxation is a technique to overcome fears or anxiety and stress which is done by loosening the muscles and nerves.
In other words meaning, relaxation is also a resting condition on the physical and mental aspects, while the spiritual aspects remain employed.
One common relaxation is to draw a deep breath, and do light exercises to relax the muscles, and can also be done in a way speechless fun.
4. Listen to Music
Since the first music has always been the key to serenity.
Everyone has different tastes in music, but importantly choose the type of music that is truly soothing like classical music, reggae and pop.
5. Laugh
Laughter therapy is a very cheap and easy.
If you have a good sense of humor, you are less prone to stress, depression and anxiety.
If you are facing some tough phase in life, do not lose the smile on your face and face as a fighter who never cursed fate.
6. Worshipping
Close to God can lead you to be more calm.
Do worship according to your religious beliefs respectively.
This definitely makes your heart becomes more peaceful.
You can worship alone, visiting places of worship and pray there, or consult with a religious scholar.
What is clear, draw near yourself to the Creator to achieve inner peace.
7. Changing Perspective
Changing the way the negative into a positive outlook is one of the techniques on how to calm the heart, mind and soul, which is most easily done.
For example, when you feel you're in a position that is not fun, then try pikirankan that position you are facing that is something that really happened, but it's not the end of everything in your life.
Always think positively will bring a calm soul.
8. Moderate exercise
Mild exercise such as swimming, yoga, and cycling is very powerful to make the body become more relaxed.
As long as you do not do it excessively, this exercise can help you to sleep better and wake up in a fresh condition in the morning.
It would be more fun if you do this activity with the people closest to you.

Manfaat Air Putih Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh

Benefits of Water. Drinking is one of the most vital necessity for human life. The human body is composed of 90% containing water. The function of water in the body plays an important role in the process of digestion, absorption, transport nutrients, circulation, excrete metabolic waste, the production of saliva, and maintaining the temperature of the body. That is why humans can survive for more if there is no intake of food but not when lack of water.

Fresh water is a very healthy drink for the whole body. When the body is dehydrated in a relatively long period of time. Thirst is the body's response that requires fluid intake in quick time. The entire organ in the human body needs fluids or water in sufficient quantities that are useful to support the various activities being carried out. What are the benefits of water?

Fresh water is a very healthy drink for the whole body. When the body is dehydrated in a relatively long period of time. Thirst is the body's response that requires fluid intake in quick time. The entire organ in the human body needs fluids or water in sufficient quantities that are useful to support the various activities being carried out. What are the benefits of water?

Benefits of Water

  1. Streamlining Digestive System

If the fluid in the body needs are met, it will avoid constipation due to fluid in the digestive process but it can help the absorption of nutrients which also serves to form a mass of human waste.

  1. Become Ageless

White water is able to make our skin look fresher and fitter every day. So it looks always seem more youthful and avoid dull skin.

  1. Preventing Heart Disease

According to a study presented by the American Journal of Epidemiology, people who are used to drinking water more than 5 cups each day reduced their risk by 41 percent as a result of heart disease.

  1. Issued Toxins In The Body

By consuming water as needed by the body per day, then the toxins present in the body are excreted in the urine and sweat. This is certainly not going to happen if the lack of fluids.

  1. Balancing System Lymph Nodes

When the lymph system to work optimally, the body has the power to fight infection or too much thyroid infection that can disturb the health of your body.

  1. Maintain Body Weight

Have an ideal body weight is the dream of every person. For those who want to adjust the proportional weight, then start to get enough water intake.

  1. Prevent Kidney Stone Disease

Kidney stones are caused by salt and salt dissolve in water according to the theory. With sufficient water in the body needs, then kidney stones in the body will dissolve and come out with urine.

  1. Keeping Mood

Someone who is dehydrated will experience headaches, fatigue, mood is suffering, difficulty concentrating. Thus it was, drinking enough water is very useful to prevent the worsening mood.

  1. Keeping Keberishan Nor Dental and Oral Health

In the mouth there is a such thing as saliva that serves as a self-cleansing. By consuming water intake per day are enough it will maintain the production of saliva, so at least reduce the exposure to risk of dental and oral disease.

  1. Reducing the Cramps and Sprains Sense

Proper hydration can help keep joints and muscles to be lubricated, so tend not easy to hit cramps and sprains, especially while exercising.

  1. Streamlining defecation

A person who is experiencing constipation or difficult bowel movements are encouraged to drink water that is intended to assist the smooth bowel movement.

  1. As Drug Headaches

Drinking water can help relieve headaches caused by dehydration. Although many major factor headache headaches are due because of dehydration.

  1. Reducing Cancer Risk

Related to the digestive system, some studies suggest the drinking water can reduce the risk of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water can melt concentration of cancer-causing genes in the urine and can also shorten the time in contact with the virus in the bladder lining.

  1. Think Better

Our brains are composed mostly of water, so drinking water can help thinking that a better, more alert and more concentrated.

10 kerugian akibat kurang tidur

10  losses due to lack of sleep

1. Accident
Lack of sleep is one of the biggest disasters in the history of factors other than the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in 1979, the largest oil spill Exxon Valdez, Chernobyl nuclear crisis in 1986, and others.
Sounds redundant, but you have to realize the lack of sleep also affects your safety every day on the road. Drowsiness can slow down the time you are driving, the equivalent when you are drunk at the wheel.
A study conducted Safety Institute National Highway Traffic American shows, if you lack of sleep or poor sleep quality, then it can lead to accidents and injuries at work. In one study, workers who complain of excessive sleepiness during the day susceptible injured at work and are constantly subjected to the same accident at work.
2. Concentrations decreased
A good sleep plays an important role in thinking and learning. Lack of sleep can affect many things. First, interfering with alertness, concentration, reasoning, and problem solving. This makes learning difficult and inefficient. Second, the sleep cycle at night contribute to "strengthen" the memory in mind. If not enough sleep, then you will not be able to remember what you learned and experienced during the day.
3. Serious health problems
Sleep disorders and chronic sleep deprivation can bring you at risk:
* Heart disease
* Heart attack
* Heart failure
* Irregular heartbeat
* High blood pressure
* Stroke
* Diabetes

According to some studies, 90 percent of insomniacs sleep-disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep and stay awake all night-also experienced similar health risks.
4. decreased sex drive
Experts report, lack of sleep in men and women reduce libido and boost sexual intercourse. This is due to depleted energy, drowsiness, and rising tension. For men who suffer from sleep apnea (breathing problems during sleep) sleep deprivation causes sexual arousal sluggish.
5. Causes of depression
Insomnia and no appetite due to depression are related. Sleep deprivation exacerbates the symptoms of depression and depression makes you more difficult to sleep. The plus side, a good sleep pattern can help treat depression.
6. Affect skin health
Most people have pale skin and puffy eyes after a night of sleep deprivation. The situation is true for chronic lack of sleep can lead to dull skin, fine lines on the face, and dark circles under the eyes.
Lack of sleep can also cause less body to release growth hormone. When we were young, human growth hormone growth. In this case, the hormone helps increase muscle mass, thickening of the skin, and strengthen bones.
7. Forgetfulness
Do not want to forget the best memories of your life? Try to multiply sleep. In 2009, researchers from the US and France found that the events of the brain called the sharp wave ripples are responsible to strengthen the memory in the brain. This event also transfer information from the hippocampus to the neocortex in the brain, where long-term memories are stored. Sharp wave ripples occur mostly during sleep.
8. Body to be "stretched"
If you ignore the effects of sleep deprivation, so be prepared with the threat of being overweight. Lack of sleep is associated with increased hunger and appetite, and likely to become obese. According to a 2004 study, nearly 30 percent of those who slept less than six hours a day tend to be more obese than those who sleep seven to nine hours a day.
Lack of sleep not only stimulate the appetite. It also stimulates the desire to eat fatty foods and foods high in carbohydrates. Ongoing research conducted to examine whether adequate sleep should be a standard part of a weight loss program.
9. Increase the risk of death
In the Whitehall study 2, British researchers discovered how sleep patterns affect the mortality of more than 10,000 British civil servants over two decades. Based on the results of a study published in 2007, those who sleep less than 5-7 hours a day increased the risk of death from a variety of factors. Even the lack of sleep increases twofold risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
Lack of sleep can affect the interpretation of events. State's limp body that we can not assess the situation accurately and wisely. Your lack of sleep is very prone to poor judgment when it comes time to assess what is lacking in something.
10. Particularly damaging assessment of sleep
Lack of sleep can affect the interpretation of events. State's limp body that we can not assess the situation accurately and wisely. Your lack of sleep is very prone to poor judgment when it comes time to assess what is lacking in something.
In the fast-paced world today, sleep habits become a sort of badge of honor. Specialists say about sleep, you are wrong if you think okay despite lack of sleep because no matter where you work on any profession, would be a big problem if you can not judge something well.

In the Dutch colonial period during the next period, many wars going on, such as insurgencies in several regions of the Netherlands. Insurgencies carried out by the Indonesian nation at that time done by war. Some wars like Diponegoro War, Aceh War, Padri War, War Banjarmasin, Puputan War in Bali, and some other war. Among these wars, which takes a long time is the Aceh War, even the Dutch troops were many who died. One of the factors that cause the persistence of Acehnese in the war against the Dutch is the ideology that is so firmly embedded within the people of Aceh. Ideology is the ideology of war held sabil. In this ideological war is the way to achieve the glory of the religion (Islam). With this example in the Aceh war, then war history should also show the existence of an ideology which is owned by the warring forces. The strength of the war was not only in the strength of its weapons technology, but also the ideology espoused by the warring forces.

4. Economic History

Simply put the economy can be defined as a human activity that is done in order to make ends meet. To make ends meet, so people doing various activities. Human activities such production, sale, purchase, supply, and demand for goods, the use of economic resources, and others. Aktivitasaktivitas will cause the relationship among individuals, both within the scope of the small or large. Human economic activity becomes important in the study of economic history writing.
The scope of the economic history writing can on a wider scale micro and macro. More micro scope, for example, we write the history of the rural economy. Things that can be studied from rural economic history, namely how people's daily activities in meeting their needs: whether they are trading, how to trade what they do; whether they farm, how to farm that they do; how much income they earn; whether of the income they earn it can improve the life of his life; and many other factors. In writing the history of the rural economy, we study the important thing is how the economic development of rural communities within a certain period? Is economic development that leads to prosperity or poverty? What are the factors that cause the growth of the economy of rural communities? Is it caused by the growth of government policy? Whether caused by the creativity of rural communities themselves? Study of economic history can be in the form of activity of a group of people, such as rural communities, can also lembagalembaga study of economics. For example, the economic development of a company. In writing the history of economic enterprise, we can examine how the economic development of the company within a period of a certain time period? Are experiencing a progress or profit? whether setbacks or losses? What factors that cause deterioration or economic progress of the company? Whether caused by internal factors or by external factors such company? In a more macro scale, or more broadly, the study of economic history could be in the broader scope of such a national scale. Indonesian economic history of the colonial era have considerable study.
Period which is quite important for the writing of the history of the Indonesian economy in the colonial period is the period of the validity period of the Cultivation and Agricultural Act of 1870. At the time of writing the history of economic Cultivation can examine things like what types of plants are required to be planted, how the colonial government opened plantation lands, how management can benefit Cultivation colonial government in the economy, how the benefits of the Cultivation of the colonial government, how the economic life of the natives with the Cultivation.

5. Social History

As has been discussed that society is basically a collection of individuals who build a structure. Sociological structure may change. Nothing has changed due to the interaction of the inside and some are changed due to the interaction of the outside. This structural change is important in the study of social history. So that social history can also be referred to as historical societies or historical structures.
At first, social history was born as a response to conventional history writing. Conventional history is a history that is only emphasized the great men just like the king or ruler. Conventional history writing gives the impression as if the history is the property of the great people alone. The response to the conventional history gave birth history "little people". Little people is like farmers, laborers, small people, and other marginalized groups. In this case, the roles performed by the minor must be the study of history. This study first became a focus of social history writing.
The lives of workers in plantations during the colonial period was one of the themes that can be used as writing social history. Workers can be seen as a structured society. Even in the life of the plantation showed a structure of society, there planter as ruler, plantation officials, and labor. Studies that we can do with the history of the plantation workers in the background that is how the birth of the workers in the plantation, how everyday life of the workers, how the relationship between labor officials and planter, planter or how government policies on the welfare
the workers, how the workers against plantation owners or government policy, if there is turmoil in the lives of the workers, whether the factors that cause such upheaval, and other factors.

6. Intellectual History

The main focus of intellectual history is how the birth of human pemikiranpemikiran. The thoughts that were examined in the intellectual history is thought to give effect to human life, both in the scope of small and large scope.
The results of the human mind can be either philosophy or science. When studied philosophy, it will give birth to the history of philosophy, for example, schools of philosophy that flourished in Greece. This becomes an interesting historical study because Greek philosophical thought gives considerable influence to change the world.
Intellectual history can be studied in the context of the development of science. For example, the development of science in the West. To see how the development of science in the West, it must be traced back, namely the development of science in the Islamic period. The people were the West at that time a lot of studying the ideas of the Muslim scholars, such as medicine of Avicenna, so that in the West the name of Ibn Sina, known as Avicena. Studies on the development of science in the West can be a theme in intellectual history.
Intellectual history in Indonesia can be studied. We can examine a few thoughts about the characters. How do we assess the hero pemikiranpemikiran Indonesia, we can begin to learn from educational background. Most of the figures Indonesian fighters Western educational background (the Netherlands). Although they learned from Western thought, but in practice these leaders tried to adjust to the objective conditions in Indonesian society.
For example, the idea of ​​a democratic economy by Mohammad Hatta, the idea Marhaenism by Sukarno, the idea of ​​nationalism manurut Ki Hajar Dewantara, the idea of ​​the state according to Mohammad Natsir, the idea of ​​socialism according Tjokroaminoto HOS. The ideas of the prominent leader of Indonesia's important we learn, because their ideas are quite influential in the social and political change in Indonesia. Marhaenisme Sukarno is basically a form of socialism that is interpreted by the real conditions of the Indonesian nation. Ki Hajar Dewantara nationalism is rooted in cultural nationalism Indonesia, especially Java. The idea of ​​nationalism then he applied to the school system, which he founded, namely the Park School Students. This school provides an important historical role and until now the school is still there. Tjokroaminoto Socialism is a form of reaction to communism which time it enters the body Syarekat Islam. Tjokroaminoto nationalism rooted idea of ​​the values ​​of Islam. Democratic economy is meant by Mohammad Hatta and fit with the values ​​of Indonesian culture is cooperative, because the Indonesian nation are family values ​​that are characteristic of the cooperative.

Jenis-jenis sejarah dan contohnya

As has been mentioned earlier that the study of history is the study of human life. Human life has a cultural, economic, social, political, and others. In addition, the scope of human life can be in the form of small scope to a large scope. Small scope such as family, while the scope of such a great community.
Aspects of human life and the scope can be the themes of historical research. These themes can be the types of history that can be written by the researcher. The kind of history that can be written eg family history, political history, military history, economic history, social history, and intellectual history. There are many more types of history that can be written.

1. Family history

Interesting family history to be written into a work of history. In writing, of course, should be a scientific work. Not a story that is a mere narrative. In order for the article interesting, then a writer must first understand the history of family limitation. In sosilogis family is the smallest bond of society form. In the family there is a collection of individuals. Individuals who are in the family of at least the father, mother, and child.
As already noted, the family is the smallest scope of a society. In the family there are individuals who interact with each other. Interactions made by them showed share diverse behavior. The individual behaviors can be studied social sciences in particular such as anthropology, sociology, politics, economics, and others. On the micro level, the family is a building structure. Structure in the study of history can be seen as something that changed. Thus, writing a family history can be viewed from a variety of approaches.
The approach taken in writing the history of the family depends on the limits of science are used. As already noted, the family is the smallest sosilogis is a form of society which can form a structure. As a structure, then the family can build a change in the broader scope. For example, we will write the history of the origins of an area, then we can see the origins of influential families in the area. For example, in Tasikmalaya, West Java, the origin of the city can be seen from the family regent Wiradadaha descent. Most regent who ruled in Tasikmalaya derived from Wiradadaha family.
In addition sosilogis approach, writing a family history can be seen also from the anthropological approach. In this approach, is usually more concerned with the cultural aspect. For example, we write the history of the family by looking at what the values ​​instilled by the family. A family that comes from the environment students are certainly going to be different to that instead of the students, in terms of the values ​​instilled in the family. This cultural aspect can be studied in terms of behavior. For example, we want to see the political role played by the family. When families come from the students as possible in the political role performed much influenced by religious values. Thus, anthropology and political approaches can be done in writing the family history.
Economic approach can be made in writing family history. The family in this context can be seen as an economic unit. In a family, there is a relationship of individuals who form a network. Networks are built to be an economic network. In fact, the network can be expanded, from a small scope into the scope of family large family. Even form a local network. For example, in a village craftsmen are the family ties among artisans. Economic history of a region can be seen from the economic behavior implanted in the family. Such assessment will find answers to the question of why the economy grow well in the area.

2. Political History

One part of human behavior is the rule. Studies on power is the main focus in political history. In conventional approaches, political history is usually associated with a history of "big those people". These people are usually powerful in a kingdom or country. People are such a king or ruler.
If we write the history of World War II as a political history, then we will show the figures are considered as the "big guys". These figures such Hitler, Emperor Hirohito, and Musolini. We will describe the action figures that are very decisive change in the world. The war is not possible if the tokohtokoh not want it. In the hands of power they are, the world plunged into World War II.
In writing a long history, we often find political history, cmisalnya fall up and turn on the old dynasties. Substitution dynasty is seen as an act or behavior of the king himself. Writing history in the period of Hindu kingdoms or Islam for example, shows how the central role of the king in determining domestic policy.
Writing such contemporary political history of writing about the role of parliament. Indonesian history in the period of liberal democracy can be written in the writing of political history. In the period of liberal democracy, Indonesia experienced a rise and fall of the parliament due to the motion of no confidence. We are writing history should be able to see from the political aspect, why at that time the parliament often fall. To answer that we could see from the legislation in force at the time, political parties involved, ideology, and the mission of each political party, the programs of each cabinet, and other political aspects.

3. Military History

In a lot of history of the world, war is an integral part of human behavior. Studies on the war is an important part of military history. In military history, could be studied strategies used, the strength of the troops who fought, and the weapons used. Writing actual military history not only see the political aspect of the military itself. War can also be a culture in a given society. With this understanding, it is in writing military history can be seen from the aspect of culture.
In Indonesian history, military history is a theme that is quite a lot to be written. For example, the period of the arrival of the VOC. VOC activities while in Indonesia can not be separated from the war. As trading partners, VOC has the authority to fight his opponents. How Do
VOC by means of war are able to master and colonize Indonesia.
Of the military history of the VOC, we can easily see how the first Western colonialism in Indonesia. Why VOC derived from the country far enough and can master the vast Indonesian territory?
To answer these questions, we must pay attention to technology and strategy of war held by the VOC. VOCs have a fairly large kapalkapal equipped with advanced weaponry enough at the time. Shipping and war technology owned by VOC is much more advanced than the technology used by the natives.
Trade done by the VOC is trading while at war. In this way, the VOC was able to master the sea area in the archipelago at that time and colonize Indonesia.
In studying the history of the war, our attention not only on weapons alone. War can successfully be supported by other factors such as logistics support. Examples of this can be seen in the war between Mataram with VOC. Sultan Agung of Mataram as the king sent troops to Batavia (Jakarta). In doing battle with VOC, Mataram was experiencing defeat. VOC burning warehouse food supplies Krawang Mataram forces in the area. In this way, logistical support Mataram forces become weaker.

Pendidikan Budi Pekerti

Budi Character Education

Character education . The importance of moral values, morals and nobility for all citizens would not have to be denied. State or a nation could collapse because officials and some unscrupulous people behave.

Immoral behavior will bring unrest, confusion, and other irregularities that led to the destruction of a nation. They do not have a handle on life and the nation. Therefore, the value needs to be taught to generations present and future are able to behave in accordance with the expected moral.

Indonesian human realization moral, character, morality and noble character is the goal of human development in Indonesia which is then implemented into national education goals .

Definition of moral education

In essence, character education has the same substance and meaning to the moral education and educational character.

Definition of moral education according to Haidar (2004) is a conscious effort made ​​in order to embed or internalize moral values ​​into the attitudes and behavior of students to have the attitude and behavior of the sublime (berakhlakul karimah) in everyday life, both in interacting with God, with others and with nature / environment.

Objective moral education is to develop values, attitudes and behaviors of students who exudes a noble character / noble character (Haidar, 2004). This implies that the moral education, the values ​​to be formed are the values ​​of a noble character, the embedded values ​​of a noble character in the self-learners are then manifested in behavior.

The implementation of character education in schools

Technically, the application of moral education in schools at least four alternatives can be reached through an integrated strategy.

  1. The first strategy is to integrate character education curriculum content that has been formulated into all relevant subjects, especially religious subjects, community-acquired acute, and language (both Indonesian and regional languages).

  1. The second strategy is to integrate character education into daily activities at school.

  1. The third strategy is to integrate character education into the activities programmed or planned.

  1. The fourth strategy is to build communication and cooperation between the school and parents of students.

In connection with the implementation of character education strategies in daily activities, technically can be done through:

a. Modeling

In the daily activities of teachers, principals, administrators, and even supervisors should be able to be a good role model or models for the students in the school. For example, if a teacher wants to teach patience to students, the first teacher to be able to be a figure of a patient before his students.

Likewise, when the teacher wanted to teach about the importance of discipline to his students, the teacher must be able to provide the first example of a teacher who disciplined in performing job duties.

Without ideals, students will only be considered moral invitation delivered as something that nonsense, which ultimately moral values ​​taught will only be stopped as knowledge without meaning.

b. Spontaneous activity.

Spontaneous activity that is undertaken in spontaneously at that time. This activity is usually done when the teacher knows the attitude / behavior of learners who are less well, like a fight with his friend, asking for something to shout, crossed the wall, take the property of another, roughly speaking, and so on.

In any event the spontaneous, the teacher can instill moral values ​​or good manners to students, for example, when the teacher saw two students were arguing / fighting in class because the fight over something, the teacher can enter values ​​about the importance of the attitude of forgiveness -memaafkan, mutual respect, and mutual love in the context of religion and culture.

c. Reprimand.

Teachers need to reprimand students who do bad behavior and reminded him to practice good values ​​so that the teacher can help to change their behavior.

d. Environmental conditioning.

School atmosphere is conditioned in such a way through the provision of physical facilities that can support the achievement of moral education.

An example is the provision of bins, wall clock, slogans about manners readable by students, and the rules / school rules embedded in strategic places so easy to read by every student.

e. Routine activities.

Routine activity is an activity that learners continuously and consistently every time.

Examples of these activities are filed in the classroom to teach culture queue, pray before and after activity, greeting when meeting with other people, and cleaning the classroom where learning.

Barriers to implementation of character education in schools

In reality between what teachers are taught to students in schools with what is taught by parents at home, often counter-productive, or a clash of values.

For that to the moral education in schools can be run optimally and effectively, the school needs to establish communication and collaboration with parents regarding the various activities and character education programs that have been formulated or planned by the school. The aim is to enable the synchronization values ​​of character education are taught in school with what parents teach at home.

Moreover, in order that moral education in school and at home can be run in the same direction, should whenever possible parents should also be involved in the process of identifying the needs of character education programs in schools.

With the involvement of parents in planning educational programs manners at school, it is expected that parents do not just hand over the education of character children to the school they are, but can also take the responsibility to participate in the process of moral education of children them in the family.