Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015

7 Manfaat Membaca Al-Qur'an

7 Benefits of Reading the Quran 

The Quran is a book of Muslims revealed by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel intermediaries. According to the language of the Quran means "reading".
Meanwhile, according to the Qur'anic term is Kalam Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

On this auspicious occasion, I will post about 7 Benefits gained if we read the Quran (Koran).

1. Got Tranquility

According to research a doctor psychiatrist, Koran can give peace to the reader and are listened to by 97%. There is a research report submitted to the conference of Islamic medicine in North America, that people who listen to the recitation of the holy Quran will get peace of up to 97%.

2. Can Treat Disease

Each atom contained in our bodies experience a vibration in a certain frequency. If we are attacked by the disease, the vibrations of atoms in our bodies will change. If there are any small changes in your body atomic vibrations, then we will be attacked by the disease.
If we read or listen to the Quran, the recitation of the Quran will change the vibration of atoms irregular be back to normal and will keep our body healthy again. It is also described in the Hadith:

"Be ye use both medications: honey and the Quran" (HR. Ibn Majah and Ibn Mas'ud)

3. Feeding the Brain

According to research by experts, read the Quran after Maghrib and After Fajr will increase our intelligence up to 80%. This is because, at that time of day to night there and vice versa which in these times occur 3 activities at once is to see, hear and read (Al-Quran).

4. Spared From Bad Deeds

Every time reading the Quran sure we will remember the creator of heaven and earth, that is, God. This will cause us to be afraid of sin or evil. Because we will know God is always watching over us wherever located. If we already sinned, when we read the Quran we will be afraid to repeat it again because every time we read the Quran, God will rebuke us through the verses of the Koran.

5. Adding Science and Insights

Koran contains a lot of science. If we understand the contents of the Quran, we will automatically become knowledgeable people. Even the Koran first provide theories about science than the scientists. There are many other sciences contained in the Koran is not yet known.
6. Al-Quran Provide Clue

People who always / diligent reading of the Koran will always be given instructions so that is not easy to apply distorted and discouraged. This is because the revelations of Allah always remind the reader of the Koran when they stumble into sin and immorality.

7. Got Relief in Doomsday .jpg

In a hadith narrated by Imam Muslim Prophet, "Read the Qur'an by all of you, because reading the Koran is read while living in this world will be syaat or helper for his readers in the Day of Judgement." To that end, multiply reading the Koran when you are still able to read it in order to get help on the Day of Judgement.

In the Hadith of the Prophet explained "Read the Koran by all of you, because reading the Koran is read when life in this world will be the intercessor or a helper for his readers in the Day of Judgement." (HR.Muslim). So it is advisable to read the Quran while they are able to earn intercessor on the Day of Judgement.
Proposition Naqli read the Quran
"The best of you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it."
(Reported by Bukhari)
"And We have sent down from the Koran, which became a bidder (a drug) and a mercy to those who believe and that the Koran does not add to the people who do wrong other than loss"
(QS17: 82).

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