Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015

Jenis-jenis sejarah dan contohnya

As has been mentioned earlier that the study of history is the study of human life. Human life has a cultural, economic, social, political, and others. In addition, the scope of human life can be in the form of small scope to a large scope. Small scope such as family, while the scope of such a great community.
Aspects of human life and the scope can be the themes of historical research. These themes can be the types of history that can be written by the researcher. The kind of history that can be written eg family history, political history, military history, economic history, social history, and intellectual history. There are many more types of history that can be written.

1. Family history

Interesting family history to be written into a work of history. In writing, of course, should be a scientific work. Not a story that is a mere narrative. In order for the article interesting, then a writer must first understand the history of family limitation. In sosilogis family is the smallest bond of society form. In the family there is a collection of individuals. Individuals who are in the family of at least the father, mother, and child.
As already noted, the family is the smallest scope of a society. In the family there are individuals who interact with each other. Interactions made by them showed share diverse behavior. The individual behaviors can be studied social sciences in particular such as anthropology, sociology, politics, economics, and others. On the micro level, the family is a building structure. Structure in the study of history can be seen as something that changed. Thus, writing a family history can be viewed from a variety of approaches.
The approach taken in writing the history of the family depends on the limits of science are used. As already noted, the family is the smallest sosilogis is a form of society which can form a structure. As a structure, then the family can build a change in the broader scope. For example, we will write the history of the origins of an area, then we can see the origins of influential families in the area. For example, in Tasikmalaya, West Java, the origin of the city can be seen from the family regent Wiradadaha descent. Most regent who ruled in Tasikmalaya derived from Wiradadaha family.
In addition sosilogis approach, writing a family history can be seen also from the anthropological approach. In this approach, is usually more concerned with the cultural aspect. For example, we write the history of the family by looking at what the values ​​instilled by the family. A family that comes from the environment students are certainly going to be different to that instead of the students, in terms of the values ​​instilled in the family. This cultural aspect can be studied in terms of behavior. For example, we want to see the political role played by the family. When families come from the students as possible in the political role performed much influenced by religious values. Thus, anthropology and political approaches can be done in writing the family history.
Economic approach can be made in writing family history. The family in this context can be seen as an economic unit. In a family, there is a relationship of individuals who form a network. Networks are built to be an economic network. In fact, the network can be expanded, from a small scope into the scope of family large family. Even form a local network. For example, in a village craftsmen are the family ties among artisans. Economic history of a region can be seen from the economic behavior implanted in the family. Such assessment will find answers to the question of why the economy grow well in the area.

2. Political History

One part of human behavior is the rule. Studies on power is the main focus in political history. In conventional approaches, political history is usually associated with a history of "big those people". These people are usually powerful in a kingdom or country. People are such a king or ruler.
If we write the history of World War II as a political history, then we will show the figures are considered as the "big guys". These figures such Hitler, Emperor Hirohito, and Musolini. We will describe the action figures that are very decisive change in the world. The war is not possible if the tokohtokoh not want it. In the hands of power they are, the world plunged into World War II.
In writing a long history, we often find political history, cmisalnya fall up and turn on the old dynasties. Substitution dynasty is seen as an act or behavior of the king himself. Writing history in the period of Hindu kingdoms or Islam for example, shows how the central role of the king in determining domestic policy.
Writing such contemporary political history of writing about the role of parliament. Indonesian history in the period of liberal democracy can be written in the writing of political history. In the period of liberal democracy, Indonesia experienced a rise and fall of the parliament due to the motion of no confidence. We are writing history should be able to see from the political aspect, why at that time the parliament often fall. To answer that we could see from the legislation in force at the time, political parties involved, ideology, and the mission of each political party, the programs of each cabinet, and other political aspects.

3. Military History

In a lot of history of the world, war is an integral part of human behavior. Studies on the war is an important part of military history. In military history, could be studied strategies used, the strength of the troops who fought, and the weapons used. Writing actual military history not only see the political aspect of the military itself. War can also be a culture in a given society. With this understanding, it is in writing military history can be seen from the aspect of culture.
In Indonesian history, military history is a theme that is quite a lot to be written. For example, the period of the arrival of the VOC. VOC activities while in Indonesia can not be separated from the war. As trading partners, VOC has the authority to fight his opponents. How Do
VOC by means of war are able to master and colonize Indonesia.
Of the military history of the VOC, we can easily see how the first Western colonialism in Indonesia. Why VOC derived from the country far enough and can master the vast Indonesian territory?
To answer these questions, we must pay attention to technology and strategy of war held by the VOC. VOCs have a fairly large kapalkapal equipped with advanced weaponry enough at the time. Shipping and war technology owned by VOC is much more advanced than the technology used by the natives.
Trade done by the VOC is trading while at war. In this way, the VOC was able to master the sea area in the archipelago at that time and colonize Indonesia.
In studying the history of the war, our attention not only on weapons alone. War can successfully be supported by other factors such as logistics support. Examples of this can be seen in the war between Mataram with VOC. Sultan Agung of Mataram as the king sent troops to Batavia (Jakarta). In doing battle with VOC, Mataram was experiencing defeat. VOC burning warehouse food supplies Krawang Mataram forces in the area. In this way, logistical support Mataram forces become weaker.

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