Minggu, 09 November 2014

Mardan "Story"

Mardan "Story"

Story Simardan This is one story that is the story of the land of Batak Toba.
may have many know the story of the story of a rebellious child Simardan because
see the difference in the degree that he meluakan who the parents and brother ..
may still exist that have not heard or who do not know this story simardan story ..
Well .. I'll tell you a little bit ..
Simardan is one of the children of widowed mothers .. they live in the Toba,
simardan live with his mother and a younger woman.
in everyday life they are very trouble to eat .. if there is no rice they can only eat cassava .. this is just a shepherd simardan kerbau..itupun buffalo others.
buffalo grazing income is not enough to eat three of them .. while her mother worked in the fields and sometimes assisted by his brother simardan same.
because of insufficient economic circumstances .. suddenly there nomads who were returning kekampung page is Toba .. and by the time the immigrants want to come back keperantauannya, they met with simardan .. and invite simardan participate wander .. feeling sad mother and his sister could only cry release simardan departure to wander.
Simardan invited to wander into shavings is precisely in the area of Cape promontory upon arrival at the hall .. .. simardan hall started working ..
after simardan growing up, incidentally skipper or host simardan work place has a daughter and a really good fate of Mardan as the princess skipper bowled against simardan. until they get married ..
after marriage with the daughter juragannya..kehidupan simardan simardan is no shortage of anything else .. just the excess over ..
While in Toba simardan mother and sister began stripped to the fate of simardan .. until one day his mother simardan met with the man who brought simardan wander .. and questioning the circumstances simardan. simardan mother really surprised when I heard the words of the nomads .. because simardan already a skipper in cape hall ..
simardan mother and sister are very happy to hear the news of the nomads it .. up to his mother and sister simardan not wait to be able to meet with simardan ..
the nomads was brought to his mother and sister cape simardan hall to meet with simardan. after traveling for days they came to the hall cape .. and met with simardan.
presence simardan mother and sister did not make simardan happy or excited ... only made ​​him angry .. simardan not admit that they are mother and sister .. until simardan evict the two women ..
Full welled with tears, mother and sister simardan go with pain and tenderness when their presence is not received, unknown and expelled by simardan.
simardan mother then prayed for God to give answers to the mistakes made ​​simardan .. so the storm began to shake the ship simardan simardan .. until the ship sank and formed an island .. that is until now the island was named simardan island located in Tanjung hall , shavings.
That's the short story of the ancient stories of Batak "Simardan"

Si Singamangaraja "Story"

Of note Singamangaraja King family in commemoration of 100 years of struggle King Singamangaraja XII

King Si Singamangaraja I
King Manghuntal
King Si Singamangaraja I was the son of King Bonanionan Sinambela, the son of King Bonanionan Sinambela, the third and youngest son of King Sinambela. King Bonanionan married to Boru Pasaribu. Although they had been married, but they do not have a derivative. Therefore Boru Pasaribu go to the "Spear-Sulu Sulu" to marpangir (wash with lime). After each marpangir, Boru Pasaribu pray to "Ompunta" above, for mercy so blessed offspring. One day, the light came flying into spear-Sulu Sulu and perched on a height that is respected in that place. That came introduced himself, it seems like a flash-light and glow that comes it is Ompunta Guru Doli. Ompunta Tuan Guru Doli said Boru Pasaribu will give birth to a child. He said: "Believe that you will bear a son and give his name Singamangaraja". If your son was an adult, tell him to take the sign of the kingdom of Raja Uti, such as:
1. Piso cannabis Dompak
2. Pungga Haomasan
3. Lage Haomasan
4. Hujur Siringis
5. Podang Halasan
6. Tabu-taboo Sitarapullang
Not long after Pasaribupun Boru began to conceive. After 19 months Boru contains Pasaribu birth to a son. The Son is born with a tooth that has grown and hairy tongue.
During adolescence Singamangaraja much do or acting odd, especially in people who are not forgiving, the broken promises, forgetting the poor fellow compatriot, freeing those who tarbeang losing gamble.
The Singamangarajapun never expressed surprise people partying where gondangnya not ring and rice and maize roots turned upward Si Singamangaraja follow when somersaults dihariara parjuragatan. This happens because they are forgotten.
After Singamangaraja grow up so her mother Boru Pasaribu convey the message of Guru Doli Ompunta that Singamangaraja should take signs of the kingdom of King Uti. He does not know where the village as well as sacred Raja Uti mother. He set that shows armed with prayer and guided his steps to the shrine.
In the course of many barriers as well as the arrival in the village sacred Raja Uti who turns in the Barus area. There also he tried but all can be overcome with good. Singamangaraja meet King Uti and they eat together and he said: "It really is the king of the Batak". When finished eating they also ask pedigree (martarombo) and Si Singamangarajapun point across and in addition Singamangaraja ask some elephants. The Singamangaraja the above purpose, the King of uti says it will give the message as it was on the condition Si Ompunta Singamangaraja should be able to submit a wide leaf weeds in banana leaves, quail tail and ropes made of sand. The terms of the requested Raja Uti to get signs harajaon are met all the Singamangaraja. Being on the demand for elephant, Raja Uti gave origin Singamangaraja Si could catch himself. The Singamangarajapun call it the elephant Raja Uti astonished to see it. And after it was brought signs harajaon it back to Bakara including the elephant.
With signs harajaon, be he became King Singamangaraja, mangalompoi lion, lion naso halompoan.
The next king Singamangaraja
King Singamangaraja I through IX King Si Singamangaraja death is not known when and where his tomb. These kings after have children and feel it is no substitute away from home and not brought Dompak Piso Gaja. They are confirmed to have died through natural signs that there is a branch of Hariara Namarmutiha broken. If there is a broken branch Hariara means a family member dies and if the main branch broken means King Si Singamangaraja gone. Namarmutiha Hariara is also known as Hariara mark and is still growing in Bakara.
Usually this state is followed by the dry weather season, so people are expecting rain through tonggo-tonggo King Singamangaraja. The Onom Ompu (Bakara, Sinambela, Sihite Simanullang, Marbun and Simamora) from Bakara prepare Margondang ceremony and ask the son of King Si gondangi Singamangaraja to them.
By wearing the hobo Ulos Jogia Sopipot and lifted the dish contains rice sacred urn repose Ulos Sande Huliman as conditions martonggo, even this prince welcome start the event. And he asked gondang and deliver tonggo-tonggo (pray) to Ompunta above to ask for rain, then manortorlah this prince. At the time of the manortor langitpun overcast and raining hard and finally Si Onom Ompupun community welcomed him with words HORAS HORAS HORAS. Then piso Dompak Gaja was handed to him and revoked / dihunusnya perfectly from the nest and lifted upward while manortor. Who among the sons of the king who could do things over he was the King of Si Singamangaraja next one, so do not have to eldest son.
Respectively who became King Si Singamangaraja next year reign and estimates are as follows:
Ø Singamangaraja II, King Ompu Tinaruan
Ø Singamangaraja III, King Itubungna.
Ø Singamangaraja IV, Mr. Sorimangaraja.
Ø Singamangaraja V, King Pallongos.
Ø Singamangaraja VI, King Pangolbuk,
Ø Singamangaraja VII, Ompu Mr. Lumbut,
Ø Singamangaraja VIII, Ompu Sotaronggal
Ø Singamangaraja IX, Ompu Sohalompoan,
Ø Singamangaraja X, Ompu Mr. Na Bolon,
Ø Singamangaraja XI, Ompu Sohahuaon,
Ø Singamangaraja XII, Patuan Bosar, Ompu title Pulo Batu,
King Si Singamangaraja X
Ompu Mr. Nabolon
King Si Singamangaraja X Ompu Mr. Nabolon died after beheaded by Si Pokki Nangolngolan or Tuanku Rao, who with cunning intellect invited King Si Singamangaraja X to come to Butar. At a meeting in Butar that the Pokki decapitated Singamangaraja X. King's Head King fly away, fly into the lap of his mother Boru Situmorang. By her mother, secretly buried in a large rock in Lumban Raja, since he had a feeling of the events that will befall her.
The body of King Si Singamangaraja X parhorboan lying on the hill, buried in the ground due to the sudden collapse of the hill. King of the Onom Ompu with followers who accompanied King Si Singamangaraja X and some friends were against the Pokki it died. But because the forces that had been hiding come Pokki helps the Pokki and the Pokki become more powerful, they are left alone to run to Mount Immune. The Pokki keep attacking Bakara and many ditewaskannya both adults and small children.
According to Pokki Nangolngolan (Tuanku Rao), he was the son of the sister of the King Singamangaraja X is going to snag. Pokki Nangolngolan said that he had missed in his bones, and he will feed (manulangi) and will give the piso-piso (money) as an offering. Because the sweet words of the then King Singamangaraja this Pokki X goes to butar. Although at first he did not say why the Pokki came to Bakara.
Because it does not get the remains of King Si Singamangaraja X, Tuanku Rao went on the attack on the Bakara. Many residents were killed. Troops burned the entire area in its path of Butar to Bakara including Pande Lumban palace in Bakara.
The king's wife first X Singamangaraja ie Boru Situmorang with 2 small children escaped to the countryside Lintong Daily Boho Situmorang parents. Being the second wife and her son surnamed Nainggolan Boru King Mangalambung kidnapped along with the Pokki other children were presumed as the son of King Si Singamangaraja X. They were taken to the southeast on the way back to the snag. In his travels in South Tapanuli was an outbreak of infectious disease (begu antuk) are also on / attacking forces so chaotic Tuanku Rao. Captive scattered in South Tapanuli. Some of these scattered settlements in the area makes this South Tapanuli.
King Si Singamangaraja XI
Ompu Sohahuaon
Barely finished the suffering caused by the attack occurred Pokki also prolonged drought. The Society agreed Onom Ompu convey this to Boru Situmorang and asked her back to Bakara. After Boru Situmorang brought her two children back, masyarakatpun requested that they Sohahuaon Ompu gondangi to rain.
Events margondangpun well prepared and Ompu Sohahuaon young performing with dressing Ulos Batak. Situmorang Boru and the community Onom Ompu shock and awe, because Ompu young Sohahuaon was able to ask and say tonggo gondang-downs tonggo for rain. And they cheered with manortor. Haripun darkened by the clouds and the rain was falling thickly. Ompu manortor Sohahuaon continue until it ends gondang the dipintanya. Then handed over to him and Piso Gaja Dompak manortor back while wielding Piso Gaja Dompak perfectly and sheathed back. Ompu Sohahuaon Singamangaraja crowned King Si XI at the age of 10 years.
In the reign of King Si Singamangaraja XI compiled "Harajaon Pustaka (royal library)" archief Bakara written with ink / paper Indian ink on legal-sized Watermark made in Italy in the text and the Batak language. This library is made for the guidance of Ompu Sohahuaon own. Pustaha harajaon consists of 24 volumes, each about 5 cm thick-volume whose contents can be briefly described as follows:
* Volume 1 s / d 3: Government Mr. Sorimangaraja for 90 derived from the Princess But Donda Nauasan.
* Volume 4 s / d 7: SSM Singamangaraja royal government I s / d SSM IX.
* Volume 8: Re Sword Padri Tuanku Rao against SSM Nabolon Mr. X
* Volume 9: Subject Pongkinangolngolan and Datu Safe Tagor Simanullang.
* Volume 11 s / d 12: Subject Pastor Pilgram, killing of the Rev. Lyman and Munson by King Panggalamei.
* Volumes 13-16: The period of rebuilding the capital of the kingdom of Bakara and areas Toba years 1835-1845 over the scorched earth war knurl.
* Volume 17: Subject Dr. Junghun, van der Tuuk who come to see SSM XI and about pictures.
* Volume 18 s / d 24: Coronation Ompu Sohahuaon into SSM XI, his rule until 1886 and about the devastating infectious diseases in the Batak lands.
In 1884 Pustaka Harajaon discovered from royal houses pile to be burned by the Dutch army. Brought to Holland by the Rev. Pilgrams and now in the Museum Library of the Netherlands in Leiden, Holland.
Pustaha Harajaon not passed the writing by SSM XII because there is no chance, because since the beginning of his reign, the Dutch colonies had launched its aggression in Batak and surrounding land, so Ompu Pulobatu fought for 30 years until the death at the age of 59 years on 17 June 1907.
The King's XI Singamangaraja Ompu Sohahuaon marry Aritonang Boru as the first wife who gave birth to King Parlopuk. Boru's second wife was giving birth Situmorang Patuan Bosar Ompu title Pulo Batu. Different age with Patuan Bosar King Parlopuk very far, there are about 15 years old.
When Ompu Sohahuaon fall ill, then the government was conducted by King Parlopuk. King Parlopuk hold long enough on the task and implemented properly. 1866 Ompu Sohahuaoan died at Bakara and his tomb was built by King Parlopuk with Si Onom Ompu in Lumban Raja. This is the first Tomb in Bakara because SSM SSM I to IX are not known to have died where. When King Si Singamangaraja XI died, Patuan Bosar being migrated to the province.
This tomb was demolished by King Si XII Singamangaraja because Bakara Dutch attacked. The bones of King brought Singamangaraja XI fought to the forest, because they do not want their parents skull taken by the Dutch. During this struggle in the bones dropped off huta Promise Dolok bun then moved to Huta Paung. After independence era, back on the move in the house Soposurung.
Approximately 105 years later, the tomb was rebuilt by the King family Singamangaraja and in 1975 the bones of King Singamangaraja XI and buried istrerinya back to the original tomb in Bakara.
King Parlopuk continue to implement the government Singamangaraja until 1871, ie after dinobatkannya Patuan Bosar as King Singamangaraja XII.
King Si XII Singamangaraja
Patuan Bosar Ompu title Pulo Batu
Although King Si Singamangaraja XI had died, Si Onom Ompu not feel something is missing in the government, because the King Parlopuk works pretty well. But when the dry season comes and brings suffering, start the Onom Ompu Margondang think for any occasion. King Parlopukpun they invite to their gondangi martonggo begged him to rain. But it did not rain down as well.
Initially Ompu Pulo Batu gondangi because they are not willing to find that his brother had been his father's successor as king. Finally Ompu Pulo Batu willing because he saw the suffering of the people suffered Si Onom Ompu. After the ceremony as usual, managed to bring rain Ompu Pulobatu. Ompu Pulo Batupun Singamangaraja crowned King Si XII in 1871.
Ompu Pulo Stone was born in 1848 from his mother Boru Situmorang. At the time of youth, Ompu Pulo Batu migrated to the province, there mingle with traders from Persia and learned many things. Therefore, when the war against the Netherlands, King Si XII Singamangaraja aided by fighters from Aceh, and the stamp / stempelnya used Arabic and Batak.
In 1877 King Si XII Singamangaraja declare war on the Dutch. Then he runs the war against the Netherlands for 3 decades.