Sabtu, 01 November 2014

a true friend

By the time I got home from work, I saw a family moving house. I saw a boy who looked smart. I tried to say hello to the boy. I want the boy to be my friend. When I want to ask the name of the child, the boy was shocked and then bowed his head. Apparently the child was a little shy. I went back home to rest.
The next day, I went to see the boy out of his house. Then I tried again to get acquainted.
"Hi, I am Muhammad, what's your name?" Asked my
"M .. m ... my name is Anwar" the boy replied with nervous embarrassment
"Ooh, we Anwar streets yuk" I invite

"May be, but I asked my mom first, okay?" Said Anwar familiar
"Okay, but do not stay long yes" my message
After a few seconds I was waiting, he saw out of the house. we also take a walk up our motorcycles respectively.
When on the road, we feel hungry. fortunately anwar bring money, so we can memebeli cake. But Anwar does not know where there is a cake seller. I also showed a pastry shop that's cheap. we also bought a cake there.
"Where you want cake?" Asked Anwar
"This is aja, pretty cheap" choose a cake
"Dont's okay if you choose a cake that price is higher than that" said Anwar offers
"Thanks, but later your money runs out" I said sorry
"Not what is important we can be friends"
"So you like to be friends with me"
, time is not it"
We also pay for the bread and ate it up. Then, we climbed each motor bike and back roads. "I never thought, it turns out I can be friends as soon as this" I said to myself.