Jumat, 19 Desember 2014



“Memories, like the corners of my mind” Cynthia cooed softly to Jack.
“Misty water coloured memories, of the way we were.
Cynthia knew she was playing with fire, The matron had warned her many times before.
“You haven’t time to be singing to them my dear, there’s work to be done” The voice still resonated through her head like an echo. She had been suspended from duties for a week just a few months back, accused of not doing her duties, but she had always made sure her tasks were completed before she sang to her patients. Even while on suspension she still came in on her own time to sing to those that it made such a difference to.
The smile on Jacks face alone, made it all worthwhile. She was well aware that this one song, “The way we were” was special to Jack.
Cynthia had been nursing at ‘Clarendon Grange’ Home for the aged, for nearly three years, after spending 15 years working at various hospitals. This was by far the most rewarding position she had held.
“Cynthia Mulvaney get back to work this instance” The voice made Cynthia jump, but it was followed by Raucous laughter as she realised it was her colleague Annie doing another of her impressions.
“Oh Annie, you frightened me, one day you’ll get caught out, and then I will be the one laughing at you”. Annie was Cynthia’s best friend here, at Clarendon Grange. They had hit off right from the start. Annie sometimes covered for Cynthia while she spent time with Jack, indeed she was the only one that knew the real reason for Cynthia being at this particular nursing home. The reputation of the aged care home was not particularly good, And with Cynthia’s age and experience, she could have worked at much better places.
Jack started to laugh along with the two women, but the dementia that had taken over his mind, didn’t allow him to understand why. Jacks laughter just brought on more laughter from the two women. The moment was broken by a booming voice echoing up the corridor.
“What is going on here? Its time the lights were out in Room 18, that old person needs their sleep. And you Cynthia Mulvaney are treading on very thin ice”
Cynthia was seething, she gently let go of Jacks hand as she rose from the bed.
She entered the corridor which acted like an echo tunnel, especially when Matrons voice was in use!
Cynthia felt compelled to stand up for Jack, and herself. “If you don’t mind, this gentleman’s name is Jack William Dawson, not Room 18 and it is only eight thirty pm. Jack will get to sleep when feels like it, not when you decide it for him”
Cynthia knew by the expression on Matrons face what was coming next.
“My office immediately” barked Matron, Cynthia turned to re enter Jacks room, and walked slowly to his bedside. She bent to put the worn photo album back into Jacks hand, and walked silently out of the room.
Cynthia looked Matron in the eye, those non descript coloured eyes, not brown, not hazel, not even green, somewhere in between. The Grey plaited bun on the top of her head, was suited well to her personality.
“Singing to the patients just upsets them for the next shift, and it’s not you that has to deal with their difficult ways, you should have more respect for your fellow workers. Matron spoke, Cynthia noticed a slight crackle in the ageing voice.
“I reserve my respect for the people in my care, and if I can put a smile on their faces with a song from their past then I will continue to do so” Cynthia had given that little speech many times before. But it never seemed to make a difference. Matron was a sour character, one of those that you felt would never be changed, by any of life’s sad events. Cynthia was convinced she would die being unaffected by a single thing. She was possibly in just the right job then!!
“You are dismissed early, you may leave now, your pay will be adjusted accordingly. I suggest you go home and learn by that.”
Cynthia looked at her watch, she still had five hours of her eight hour shift to go, while she stood there thinking of the unfairness of it all, Matron had already picked up the phone and put a call in to the nursing agency for someone to replace her.
None of this made any sense, Cynthia knew for such short notice the rate of pay was doubled, and it made her wonder who was learning the lesson here?
Having ignored orders Cynthia sat next to Jacks bed, She knew he was close, his breathing was laboured, she took his hand in hers, his grip tightened and his frightened stare pierced at her heart. She continued to sing, with a tremble in her voice this time.
“Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind, smiles we gave to one another for the way we were”
“You are supposed to be at home learning a lesson”
Cynthia’s heart thumped against her chest as she realised she had been caught out again. Very slowly she rose from her chair, looked the matron in the eye, put her finger to her lips in a hushing action, and motioned with the other hand for her to leave the room. As she followed she knew the exact words that would pass her lips. Cynthia closed Jacks door gently and took a deep breath, before raising her whisper.
“I am in there learning one of the most valuable lessons that nature could bestow upon humanity, I am making a lonely old man very happy. The lesson that is teaching me is far greater than any lesson you could teach me. And it really wouldn’t hurt you to learn the same lesson” Cynthia took another deep breath.
“ I hope that when it is your turn, when you are in exactly the same position as that darling old man in there, and it will be you one day. Only the loneliness will be for a different reason. I hope that on that day, somebody will sing to you”
Cynthia couldn’t ever remember feeling so strong as the Matron stood there speechless.
“Sadly” she continued, “It won’t be me, I no longer wish to work for you. However you won’t stop me doing what I do, I will be here every day in a voluntary capacity singing to ‘my family’”
With that said, Cynthia turned and crept back into Jacks room. As she returned to her position, Jack opened his eyes, one last time. Cynthia wondered with some hope if there was just a spark of recognition within those beautiful blue eyes. As she gazed into them, she noticed the fear was gone, replaced with a look of peace.
Cynthia took hold of his hand again, only this time it didn’t grip hers. There was no strength left, she stroked the back of the frail old hand, with her thumb, and noticed for the first time how similar their hands were, the length of the fingers, the pattern of wrinkles on the knuckles, the lines on the palms. She did have some of the Dawson traits, in fact, she thought to herself with a smile on her face, she had the very best of them. The fact she was here, sitting by this bed, confirmed that firmly in her mind.
She watched as Jack William Dawson closed his eyes and took his last breath.
And as a single tear rolled down her cheek, Cynthia felt great peace within herself. At peace with her decision not to reveal the truth, the real reason she chose Clarendon Grange as her final place of employment before retiring.
As she dabbed with a tissue at her own blue eyes, she picked up the well worn leather bound album of memories and pressed it close to her heart, after all it would be hers now. Cynthia closed her eyes, to take the opportunity to reflect on years gone by. Most of the years were filled with happiness, just the last few, when Jack no longer recognized his only daughter, his only remaining child.
Cynthia’s tears started falling faster now, She felt a warm embrace and turned to see Chris, her husband of 30 years. “What, how” He pressed a finger to her lips to hush her. “Annie called me, Cynth, why didn’t you call me? I would have been here for you both, I loved Jack like I loved my own father”
“Chris”, said Cynthia, “please understand, I had to do to this alone” Chris bent to place a gentle kiss upon her lips. “ I am so proud of you Cynthia Mulvaney”
As they both turned to walk out of room 18, Cynthia already wondered, who would be moving in there tomorrow. As that was the way of these places.
And ………………Life goes on.

Benci jadi Cinta

Benci Jadi Cinta
In 2010, there was a wish to me. At that time I was playing at a friend's house sekampungku. And there is a man who is running using the bike. Then he looked at me with a cheery smile. And in the evening berderinglah my cell phone, it turns out he was someone who met earlier in the day.
He got my phone number from a friend sekampungku.
"Who is this?" Asked
"I'm the person to meet you this afternoon"
"Ehmm .. weve name you ready?"
"My name is endang", I replied
Long story short, we ended up getting close to him. One night he asked me to provide a photograph for keepsake. Finally I give a photograph that. But oddly enough it was not him who took her. So I have not had time to look at his face.
And the next day it turns out my friend took a picture of me that there's room and then given to him. Though it was a picture of me when I sat elementary school, so it was so ugly to me. Finally I contacted agus.
"Hallo ... please return the photo, I do not want to know that I'm back photo "
"Photo which, I'm just want to get a keepsake from you"
"I do not want to know the photo was to be returned if ngak I going to be angry with you, Assalamualaikum!"
In the evening he had been waiting for my house. I finally meet him. But at that moment I just felt shaky and uneasy. Because it is very cold outside we went inside her home and was handed my picture. Whether due to cold or unusually nervous because I felt my whole body went cold. And finally she covered me with a carrying holster. My body felt cold and shaking more remarkable.
And finally we went home. At the time of the feast of Eid al-Fitr my house to stay in touch andri (beloved). After returning from his house I met with my friend and me to a place. And I was invited to play at home with a friend whose house was close agus house. It turns out my friend had planned everything to bring me with agus. Finally I met with agus and joking together. I was invited to stay in touch with kelarganya.
We joked together that I almost passed out because of behavior made him. Finally we had a fight. I had her claws and she had replied by twisting my hand. Eventually I went home with my friends.
On the fifth day of Eid she called to ask for my help to come to his house immediately. Because he spoke seriously so I came to his house. But what happens, he's drunk because breaking up with her boyfriend. I'm not able to do anything I feel too sad with him. I just can soothe and embrace, she continued to cry. Sister had come to see his sister cry like that. I cried, too, saw it all. I told her sister feeding her rice. Although he did not want to but I still insist.
We were getting close to him because of the incident. She is getting attention to me. He was very mature face me. Whereas previously we often quarreled. But over time we actually getting closer. We often talk and vent close together.
And I was getting away with his own girlfriend (andri). And finally one when agus expressed his feelings to me. I feel confused. On one hand I'm still with andri but on the other hand I also liked agus.
And in the end I took the decision to sever my relationship with andri although I feel sorry for him and guilty. Andri was crying in front of me and begged him not to decide. But I still could not continue my relationship with him. I tell you everything that happened and that I love someone else.
And in the end I and agus a relationship. And until now, I hope he did not hurt me. And until this moment I'm still in a relationship with agus.


The Country of the Mice - There was once a king who ruled a large country in which there lived a great number of mice. One year there was not enough rice. The mice were very hungry. The king of the mice put on his best clothes and went to see the king of the country.
“Good morning, Mr. Mouse.” Said the king. “What can I do for you?”
“O king, we do not have enough rice. We would like to borrow some from you. If you can lend us what we need, we shall repay you next year.”
“How much do you want?”
“About one hundred bags,” answered the mouse.
“How can you carrying it away?”
“Your majesty, we shall find a way.”
The king ordered one hundred bags of rice to be given to the mice. The mice bit through the bags. They carried away the rice in their mouths. When the king looked the next morning. He was surprised to find the rice had disappeared.
The next year. The king of the mice repaid the king. The king was very pleased that he had kept his promise.
Not long afterwards, the king went to war with a neighbouring country. His army was not very strong. It lost every battle. The army of the other country reached the opposite side of the river. They were ready to attack the capital.
“Who can help me?” asked the king. He sent for the king of the mice.
The mouse asked the king to place thousands of stick. Each one foot long, by the side of the river.
The next night, all the mice used these sticks as boats to carry them across the river. The soldiers of other country were fast asleep when the mice quietly entered their camp. Some of them threw the soldier’s swords and guns into the river. Other ate their food. Yet others bit their toes. The soldier woke up. They did not know what had happened. They could not find their swords and guns and they thought they had been attacked by the king’s soldier. They ran away as fast as they could.
The king quickly asked the king of the mice to come to see him.
“Mr. mouse, you have saved my country,” he said. “Please tell me what you would like in return.”
The mouse replied. “O King, we only want to live in peace. Please send away all the cats from your country.”
The king did as he was asked. He gave orders for all the cats to leave immediately.
The king of the mice thanked the king. “cats are our worst enemy,” he said. “We can now live very happily for the rest of our lives.”

Between you and the ball

Antara Kau Dan Bola

Between You And The Ball
Grab the classroom atmosphere once when I entered. So ributnya until kedengeran to the staff room. Luckily, the teachers at the ignorant. Of ramenya I can already guess they must again talking about a ball game last night, I immediately wrote chimed. After chatting it up in full swing math teacher knew it was going to class. Without further ado directly deh talking about the formulas that I do not ever understand.

Only the contents formulas and formulas. I entered this last hour, because I'm really lazy huuh ... listen to teachers, plus my already really heavy to open, there are a lot of really rich who nindihin the eyelid. It's just staying up for Malem was watching the ball, because it comes right EURO four years dilewatin just want to cook. Slowly but surely it's eyes began to shut. Do not care what the teachers say, the eyes are not able to compromise anymore.

I came home from school and resti irvan - my girl - hang diekitar first rubber plantation, there was still talk problem balls.

"Aja kalo semalem finaltinya quality" (Romanian players entered)'ve lost tu italy, said Joe, whose real name bejo but ya let cool aga call joe.

"Yeah not possible lah, who first clay goalkeeper, Buffon .. where the incoming kick so rich! "said Irfan who has the most big body between us.

Romania tuh semalem cama still protected the goddess Fortuna wrote "I added. When we were talking resti Just bt really rich he pouted because of our earlier issues ngebahas ball,
"Res diem aja kok", I asked
"Oh .. still realized that I was here?"
"Why its so hell, yeah I forgot period ceweku itself"
'Let's go home already afternoon, .. "resti ngalhin talks.
"Well there ya cranky" joe said mischievously.

Tetep silent street resti wrote diolesin rich wood glue his mouth, really hard to open. Front of the house remain until resti diem. Aja wandering off the bike, why tuh ya boy ... fikirku. "Bodo ah heck, tomorrow also recovered ngambeknya.

Five o'clock I nyampe new home. My parents rarely home this late hour. They prefer cool ngurusin of office files on ngurusin home. But I is not never give a damn, leave it they were busy with their affairs.

I went straight into the bathroom. Ah ... it feels really Seger. Time to watch the ball ya, I muttered. I immediately turned off the computer and watching TV, watching the ball really boring Just the same as a cup of coffee at the snack that dumb, can not feel happy if invited to talk and no goals. Or even those bored by Malem accompany me sitting in front of the tv.

Nyampe time school was lonesome. Out of the car I immediately rush lar. Thank God school security guard could disegok two sheets of drawing paper Diponegoro. Escaped from the security guard does not mean free. Class I've greeted by a thick mustache pack, but unfortunately this one man can not be bribed, as a result I can not participate at the first lesson and go BP. I'm the same in that room teacher reprimanded BP being asked why macem-macem until late. After that I dibiarin go, but class is nyiapin pack techno-abreg seabreg task, make lazy school aja .. ***

Goal .....!!! we shouted instantly kick delpiero time can not be pushed over the French goalkeeper. "Damn if I lose my means you pay the same dong, moaned joe moody.

"Yaiyalah period Yaiya dong", I replied in unison with irfan. That night Joe and I invite irfan deliberately nginep bt if my house because I have to watch the ball alone. Damn it, I do not work on the task of Tikno pack again. but today should be collected.

"Finally finished too ya tasks, bodo so, the answer would want one of the important Bener already work on. Tet tet .... eventually break bell sounds. Bel break so our savior. Eh I rather not ...
"Semalem watching the ball again until what time. Resti reproached
"Yeah ... uh really exciting match."
"So he called you forgot your duty" even worse you forgot about me "
Who says I forgot about you "
"The evidence, already two nights ni you're not calling me, not even sms aja"
"Oh ya missed the story, I tried to seduce him but no success.
"Res time it happened just because you ball ampe cranky gni"

Damn I was ignored, now he's even cool chat ama his friends. As if I was not there and even if there's just considered a battered radio batrenya already worn out.

"Res, kasian your friend who is already willing to go so we could talk." I
"Yaudah cepet want to say anything?" Crazy jutek really answer. "I'm sorry yes because yesterday I nyuekin you. "Easy really am sorry, there are conditions". Uh ... there are conditions aja rich marriage.
"Yaudah what condition?"

"If you're not talking about the issue in front of the ball there walo si irfan joe and then you should be mentingn me of my balls .."

ah man that much easier. "ok, .. I'm ready". It's been two weeks after qualified path was made until now still smooth. Tomorrow the plan joe and irfan want nobar disebuah cafe.

"Oh no ... ya ... joe now dead date? I asked. Date 23 June, weve why the hell panic? "This tuh resti his birthday, I forgot slamat not give utterance to her. "It is usually too late" said Irfan.

Then there is incoming sms surprised tuh make it .. "You have violated the terms that I already make. You mentingin ball more than me ...! I still kepikiran home, weve still ga anything but if we break up how? Yes weve girl a lot but there are rich resti ga.

Tet tet tut ..... "I forgive you but must dateng on 26 for the last gantiin. "Ok, I promise". Damn, nyesel also reply sms cepet-ga cepet remember that date until the final EURO.

"Duh ... how ya, what if it's not on res?"
"Was not it you've said yes .. weve wrong with you? It must be because the ball again ya .. "

Long resti ga reply sms again .... tat tut tut .... finally dibales too. I almost can not believe Buseet read sms from resti,. "... You just select yasudah: ME or BALL", short sms on and confuse. The next day I was still confused, joe and irfan not want to give his solution-bring fear kebawa can not watch the final. Finally I dump to see the new first resti later watching, watching at home also ga what is important to watch the finals.

Seven in the evening I drove home resti.
"Let's go, resti said.
"Where, I asked, surprised
"Myspace is also know, I finally joined aja .. duh .. what if I go ga sempet really regret I could watch ...
"Turn right in front of ya .." I'm rich so the taxi driver wrote.
"Res, why come here ..?" Was again asked, surprised.
"You want to watch the ball, right?"
"It ... but you do??"
"I come watch ya dong, .. I'm beyond rich future security."
"You're not angry? '

"I'm doing angry, replied resti with a cheery smile. Been a long time I did not see that sweet smile. I'm really relieved, finally resti not cranky anymore if I'm talking about the ball, instead skarang we often watch together. Ball and love weve made me mad.