Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015

In the Dutch colonial period during the next period, many wars going on, such as insurgencies in several regions of the Netherlands. Insurgencies carried out by the Indonesian nation at that time done by war. Some wars like Diponegoro War, Aceh War, Padri War, War Banjarmasin, Puputan War in Bali, and some other war. Among these wars, which takes a long time is the Aceh War, even the Dutch troops were many who died. One of the factors that cause the persistence of Acehnese in the war against the Dutch is the ideology that is so firmly embedded within the people of Aceh. Ideology is the ideology of war held sabil. In this ideological war is the way to achieve the glory of the religion (Islam). With this example in the Aceh war, then war history should also show the existence of an ideology which is owned by the warring forces. The strength of the war was not only in the strength of its weapons technology, but also the ideology espoused by the warring forces.

4. Economic History

Simply put the economy can be defined as a human activity that is done in order to make ends meet. To make ends meet, so people doing various activities. Human activities such production, sale, purchase, supply, and demand for goods, the use of economic resources, and others. Aktivitasaktivitas will cause the relationship among individuals, both within the scope of the small or large. Human economic activity becomes important in the study of economic history writing.
The scope of the economic history writing can on a wider scale micro and macro. More micro scope, for example, we write the history of the rural economy. Things that can be studied from rural economic history, namely how people's daily activities in meeting their needs: whether they are trading, how to trade what they do; whether they farm, how to farm that they do; how much income they earn; whether of the income they earn it can improve the life of his life; and many other factors. In writing the history of the rural economy, we study the important thing is how the economic development of rural communities within a certain period? Is economic development that leads to prosperity or poverty? What are the factors that cause the growth of the economy of rural communities? Is it caused by the growth of government policy? Whether caused by the creativity of rural communities themselves? Study of economic history can be in the form of activity of a group of people, such as rural communities, can also lembagalembaga study of economics. For example, the economic development of a company. In writing the history of economic enterprise, we can examine how the economic development of the company within a period of a certain time period? Are experiencing a progress or profit? whether setbacks or losses? What factors that cause deterioration or economic progress of the company? Whether caused by internal factors or by external factors such company? In a more macro scale, or more broadly, the study of economic history could be in the broader scope of such a national scale. Indonesian economic history of the colonial era have considerable study.
Period which is quite important for the writing of the history of the Indonesian economy in the colonial period is the period of the validity period of the Cultivation and Agricultural Act of 1870. At the time of writing the history of economic Cultivation can examine things like what types of plants are required to be planted, how the colonial government opened plantation lands, how management can benefit Cultivation colonial government in the economy, how the benefits of the Cultivation of the colonial government, how the economic life of the natives with the Cultivation.

5. Social History

As has been discussed that society is basically a collection of individuals who build a structure. Sociological structure may change. Nothing has changed due to the interaction of the inside and some are changed due to the interaction of the outside. This structural change is important in the study of social history. So that social history can also be referred to as historical societies or historical structures.
At first, social history was born as a response to conventional history writing. Conventional history is a history that is only emphasized the great men just like the king or ruler. Conventional history writing gives the impression as if the history is the property of the great people alone. The response to the conventional history gave birth history "little people". Little people is like farmers, laborers, small people, and other marginalized groups. In this case, the roles performed by the minor must be the study of history. This study first became a focus of social history writing.
The lives of workers in plantations during the colonial period was one of the themes that can be used as writing social history. Workers can be seen as a structured society. Even in the life of the plantation showed a structure of society, there planter as ruler, plantation officials, and labor. Studies that we can do with the history of the plantation workers in the background that is how the birth of the workers in the plantation, how everyday life of the workers, how the relationship between labor officials and planter, planter or how government policies on the welfare
the workers, how the workers against plantation owners or government policy, if there is turmoil in the lives of the workers, whether the factors that cause such upheaval, and other factors.

6. Intellectual History

The main focus of intellectual history is how the birth of human pemikiranpemikiran. The thoughts that were examined in the intellectual history is thought to give effect to human life, both in the scope of small and large scope.
The results of the human mind can be either philosophy or science. When studied philosophy, it will give birth to the history of philosophy, for example, schools of philosophy that flourished in Greece. This becomes an interesting historical study because Greek philosophical thought gives considerable influence to change the world.
Intellectual history can be studied in the context of the development of science. For example, the development of science in the West. To see how the development of science in the West, it must be traced back, namely the development of science in the Islamic period. The people were the West at that time a lot of studying the ideas of the Muslim scholars, such as medicine of Avicenna, so that in the West the name of Ibn Sina, known as Avicena. Studies on the development of science in the West can be a theme in intellectual history.
Intellectual history in Indonesia can be studied. We can examine a few thoughts about the characters. How do we assess the hero pemikiranpemikiran Indonesia, we can begin to learn from educational background. Most of the figures Indonesian fighters Western educational background (the Netherlands). Although they learned from Western thought, but in practice these leaders tried to adjust to the objective conditions in Indonesian society.
For example, the idea of ​​a democratic economy by Mohammad Hatta, the idea Marhaenism by Sukarno, the idea of ​​nationalism manurut Ki Hajar Dewantara, the idea of ​​the state according to Mohammad Natsir, the idea of ​​socialism according Tjokroaminoto HOS. The ideas of the prominent leader of Indonesia's important we learn, because their ideas are quite influential in the social and political change in Indonesia. Marhaenisme Sukarno is basically a form of socialism that is interpreted by the real conditions of the Indonesian nation. Ki Hajar Dewantara nationalism is rooted in cultural nationalism Indonesia, especially Java. The idea of ​​nationalism then he applied to the school system, which he founded, namely the Park School Students. This school provides an important historical role and until now the school is still there. Tjokroaminoto Socialism is a form of reaction to communism which time it enters the body Syarekat Islam. Tjokroaminoto nationalism rooted idea of ​​the values ​​of Islam. Democratic economy is meant by Mohammad Hatta and fit with the values ​​of Indonesian culture is cooperative, because the Indonesian nation are family values ​​that are characteristic of the cooperative.

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