Rabu, 11 Februari 2015


Brain Performance Memory is related to the performance of the brain. Organs like the brain must be trained in order to remain a prime, although brain weight only 2kg, but if not treated and trained brain will slowly become weak, weakness performance the brain can be seen from the inability to remember a case. The brain also requires nutrition from food and some vitamins also need more oxygen compared with the organ - other organs. Not a few people who have memory impairment, or blunting the brain. But the cause of the weakening of memory one does not have to be from the education factor, association or the environment. There is also the factor of genetics that carried over from was born. Some causes of memory loss:
1. Sleep
Research says to sleep for at least 6 hours then brain will experience its full potential, not just the brain  which can break pretty, but other organs also be sufficient to regenerate the body while sleeping. Not only that, with the ability of a person's sleeping face stress will increase. Then go to sleep in time for at least 6 hours per day.
2. Depression
Depression is a common case in the community Generally, in teenagers or parents. Severe depression can cause weakening of memory, this is because when being depressed then that's when the immune system decline, according to Katherine Muller, "For someone who experiencing depression have a higher chance of colds and infectious disease. " Depression medication is very important to be consumed for patients severe depression, but for the prevention of depression only need exercise for 30 minutes minimum to keep the system 1x2hari stay healthy immunity. Can also perform physical activity for minimize the rate of severe depression.
3. Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that is very feared by the public, the pressure rise of sugar in the body. Many patients who have failed vascular system continues, and this can make the reduction system memory. Appropriate treatment of the disease - a disease heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs as well affect memory, this is due to lack of supply nutrients to the brain. So do not let the disease in furthermore.
4. Do not consume alcohol and drugs
For people who are addicted to consuming alcohol, they will degenerate brain memory, and the tendency of social deviation, alcoholics and drugs drugs will experience memory deficits in the short term and the longer damaging memory in the long run, and users of drugs other than impair sexual function. The study ever conducted on an animal that is fed with a mixture of pills ecstasy, drug weakens the nervous system so that the animals The longer acting to get food. When Such animals, especially humans.
5. Lack of vitamin B 12
It can be seen from the usefulness of vitamin B 12 is to maintain the health of the nervous system in the brain and helps the formation of blood cells, vitamin B12 helps distribute oxygen to the brain, foods containing B 12 are meat, eggs, cheese and cereals containing vitamin b12.

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