Rabu, 11 Februari 2015


Play games or electronic games on the computer or on the video game consoles such as playstation, ps2, nintendo, sega, xbox, etc for some people is an activity that Fun and exciting. Behind the play there a variety of adverse effects / negative and also the good / positive. To get a good impact to the maximum of play games and minimize the adverse effects of playing games there good idea to read the following tips and tricks:
1. Limit Time Play Games
If it is good to play games usually people forget time for stop and perform other useful activities. At the beginning of play game set within about one or two hours. If need to plug the alarm clock to determine the time limit. Play the game over time can have a negative impact on our body because the brain is full concentration on the game will be ignore the important activities or needs of the body such as eating, drinking, prayer, shower, sleep, rest, exercise, socializing, and so forth. Sometimes people just realized after playing the game feels dizzy
2. Do not Play Games That Never Ending And Takes Long
Try to select games that do not make us addicted to play it for months and years and spend a lot of time to play it all day in order to produce a good game results. Of course it would limit us to know other new games, make curious continues, and sometimes could feel embarrassed if the account status games we play has a low yield compared to other gamers. How better if we use the time available for activities resulted in lawful money in the real world or produce provision of good deeds for our future after death.
3. Avoid The Fishing Game Difficult Emotions
The game play is hard sometimes make us upset and finally emotional and angry is not clear. And push the joystick can be a target if another crazy and could slam, beaten, trampled, and various other violent acts. Not only is the machine console or pc / laptop are so damaged. Hand, foot and body could be hurt if violence on inanimate hard and solid. Stop playing games if it is emotional and direct watching television to quell anger.
4. Play Games Sharpen Brain / Entertaining
There are many games that can improve the ability to think our brains like a puzzle game, game case, memory, strategy games, and so on. There's also a funny game can entertain us while playing. Analyze game you play whether it can have a positive impact you are giving entertainment or intellectual ability. If does not provide any means the game does not give
anything for you, and it usually just a waste of time
you alone.
5. Invite Others Main Together
Busy to play games much better than playing alone. To invite friends, family, brother, sister, neighbor, boyfriend, dad, mom, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, and play the game so we will strengthen our relationship with others during the game played matches for played together and not make emotional. Playing game alone will eliminate our social life and can reduce the number of our friends from time to time. Friends acquaintance of playing games online is not a real friend because that person can not be honest with us. Friends in life real worth much more than a virtual friend.


Brain Performance Memory is related to the performance of the brain. Organs like the brain must be trained in order to remain a prime, although brain weight only 2kg, but if not treated and trained brain will slowly become weak, weakness performance the brain can be seen from the inability to remember a case. The brain also requires nutrition from food and some vitamins also need more oxygen compared with the organ - other organs. Not a few people who have memory impairment, or blunting the brain. But the cause of the weakening of memory one does not have to be from the education factor, association or the environment. There is also the factor of genetics that carried over from was born. Some causes of memory loss:
1. Sleep
Research says to sleep for at least 6 hours then brain will experience its full potential, not just the brain  which can break pretty, but other organs also be sufficient to regenerate the body while sleeping. Not only that, with the ability of a person's sleeping face stress will increase. Then go to sleep in time for at least 6 hours per day.
2. Depression
Depression is a common case in the community Generally, in teenagers or parents. Severe depression can cause weakening of memory, this is because when being depressed then that's when the immune system decline, according to Katherine Muller, "For someone who experiencing depression have a higher chance of colds and infectious disease. " Depression medication is very important to be consumed for patients severe depression, but for the prevention of depression only need exercise for 30 minutes minimum to keep the system 1x2hari stay healthy immunity. Can also perform physical activity for minimize the rate of severe depression.
3. Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease that is very feared by the public, the pressure rise of sugar in the body. Many patients who have failed vascular system continues, and this can make the reduction system memory. Appropriate treatment of the disease - a disease heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and other organs as well affect memory, this is due to lack of supply nutrients to the brain. So do not let the disease in furthermore.
4. Do not consume alcohol and drugs
For people who are addicted to consuming alcohol, they will degenerate brain memory, and the tendency of social deviation, alcoholics and drugs drugs will experience memory deficits in the short term and the longer damaging memory in the long run, and users of drugs other than impair sexual function. The study ever conducted on an animal that is fed with a mixture of pills ecstasy, drug weakens the nervous system so that the animals The longer acting to get food. When Such animals, especially humans.
5. Lack of vitamin B 12
It can be seen from the usefulness of vitamin B 12 is to maintain the health of the nervous system in the brain and helps the formation of blood cells, vitamin B12 helps distribute oxygen to the brain, foods containing B 12 are meat, eggs, cheese and cereals containing vitamin b12.


Pollution or environmental pollution is the entry or inclusion of a living creature, energy substances, and or other components into the environment or changes in order of the environment by human activity or by processes nature so that the quality of the environment down to the level of be certain that cause less environmental or can no longer function as intended (Law Principles of Environmental Management No. 4 of 1982). Contamination may arise as a result of human activities or caused by nature (volcanoes, gas toxic).
Environmental science usually discuss pollution caused by human activity, which can be prevented and controlled. Due to human activities, environmental pollution is inevitable. Contamination The environment can not be avoided. Which can is to reduce pollution, control pollution, and increasing awareness and concern society to the environment so as not to pollute the environment. Substances or materials that may result in  pollution called pollutants. The terms of a substance called when the existence of pollutants can cause harm to living beings. For example, carbon dioxide at levels of 0.033% in the air benefited plants, but if higher than 0.033% can damaging effects.
A substance can be called pollutants if:
1. The amount exceeds the normal amount.
2. Being at the wrong time.
3. Being in the wrong place.
The nature of the pollutants are:
1. Damaging for a while, but when it reacts the substance does not damage the environment again.
2. Damage in a long time. Examples Pb does not spoil when the concentration is low. However, within a period long, lead can accumulate in the body until damaging levels.
Impact of Environmental Pollution
1. Extinction of species
As described, pollutants harmful to biota water and land. Various types of animals were poisoned, then die. Various species of animals have immunity are not the same. There are sensitive, some are resistant. Young animals, larvae are sensitive animals pollutant. There are animals that can adapt so immune to the pollutants, those that do not. Although animals adapt, should note that animal adaptation rate limits. When the limit is exceeded, the animal will die.
2. Blasting Hama
The use of insecticides can also be deadly predators. Because predators extinct, then the insect pest will growing out of control.
3. Extinction Environmental Balance
The extinction of certain species can alter patterns of interaction in in an ecosystem. Food chains, nets food and fluid energy into changing. As a result, environmental balance disturbed. Recycling materials and recycling biogeochemical be disturbed.
4. Reduced Soil Fertility
The use of deadly insecticide soil fauna. This matter can reduce soil fertility. The use of fertilizers continuously can cause the soil to become acidic. Case This also can reduce soil fertility. As well  the occurrence of acid rain.
5. Toxicity and Disease
People who consume vegetables, fish, and groceries contaminated can be poisoned. there are dead world, there is a damaged liver, kidney, suffered cancer, nervous system damage, and even causing defects in the offspring.
6. Concentration Biological
The process of elevated levels of contaminants through the body creature known as biological concentration (in the language English is known as biomagnificition.
7. Formation of Ozone Hole and the Greenhouse Effect
The formation of the ozone hole and the greenhouse effect is a global problem that is felt by all mankind. This is due to contaminants can spread and cause effects elsewhere.


Happy and healthy life a dream of all people. Not easy to realize two things The. But there is a simple way and not need to pay expensive. Daniele Boido, author of The Human Being Of The Future said, that cleanse negative emotions and improve relations can help create happier life. This suggestion of Daniele:
-Understanding spirituality.
Show affection, patience and unconditional love. Do not judgmental and should share knowledge and insights to try to support, as well as encourage others to follow their path own. Try to become more aware and in tune with the thoughts and actions. It could through meditation, exercise or a healthy lifestyle, which will help you to achieve inner strength and connection to others.
-Learning to forgive.
 Hold on to the pain in the past will only damage the mind. If someone has hurt you, release bitterness and revenge was to move on. In Order To while, you can repeat this sentence in mind or out loud: "I truly and sincerely forgive, and will forget the moments and people from the past negative. I've forgiven everything. "
-Keep the body.
Lots of fresh food consumption including fruits, vegetables, grains, nut nuts, and wheat. It will nourish body to produce energy vibrant and healthy. Perform exercises also mind and body such as yoga, Pilates or tai chi.
-Release negative emotions.
The trick, sit down comfortably, inhale and exhale the Long slow. When you remove the breath, imagine releasing all emotions negative such as anger, resentment or jealousy. As you inhale, imagine inhaling positive qualities which give peace, courage and willpower. Continue this for a few minutes. With this exercise, you will find it easier to let go negative feelings.
-Share your unconditional love.
Feel the love unconditionally to self and others will create harmony. The more you open yourself to this feeling, you will feel more peace and quiet.
-Find spiritual boss.
 If at any time you feel calm and in control, but further stress and addicted to chocolate, maybe you need to look for boss spiritual. To be more restrained, imagine that You have to con trol the spiritual boss You.
-Learn from others.
Learn more about the lives of those we love.  Relax. When you are stuck with the job and care of the family, you are very easy to slipped into stressful situations. Find a calm and begin the relaxation of the right thumb to focus on each of your body.
-Create a positive vibe.
You must develop the ability to focus. Perform this exercise:  Draw a large circle, then you should fill in with a black pen. Put in plain sight, breathe slowly and deeply and then focus on it for 3 minutes. Use skills The current focus of calling the positive thoughts.
-In touch with nature.
 In the morning, spend 2-3 minutes focusing on things such as water, rain, trees, flowers, grass or fruit. In night, focus on inner qualities including love, kindness, peace, and harmony. It will make a stronger connection to the quality natural and feel more in tune with nature.


Being successful is everyone's dream. However, no everyone can know and understand the way to there. Sometimes there are people who still depend wishes success to others. Or rely upon according to which the environment can make it succeed. It turns out that this is wrong. We can not rely fully to others, to factors beyond ourselves. Success can only be achieved with its own capabilities. Depending on our attitude, our behavior. Thus, it is not act wisely if we blame the environment or circumstances outside us when success has not been achieved.
Then, begin to reflect on yourself. See self-efficacy, and wherever possible to minimize the reliance on other people. Every effort we should be independent private were able to achieve success on their own. Is Not That we have been equipped with the physical potential, mind, and heart? If everything we synergize with good and balanced, of course we will be able to achieve success. Unfortunately, often These efforts do not optimal. Quite often, we only relying on only one of the potential.
Here are quick tips that we have an independent person:
- Always trying to increase scientific capacity, good for improve the ability of sense. Any chance of science, grab and do not waste it. Because every place, circumstances, anyone can become a field science for us.
- Train yourself, because science without charity is theory alone, does not affect anything for us. So, after got a new lesson, of course good, immediately resume practicing. Train so familiar, until eventually can even become a habit the good one.
- Find a conducive environment, good for work, or to worship. If the goal of our success is also supported by conducive environment will be easily realized. One time, when we are ready, of course nobler again if we own the created environment enabling it.
- Do not cry baby, waterproof your eyes in front of the crowd in anywhere, let alone in the office for example if he did not considered strange. You can be labeled too sensitive and not strong in the face of problems.
- Always ready for combat. In this case Always lit spirit within you every day. Say in the liver that you are a strong person and ready to face all challenges.
- Conquer the challenge. Make problems as puzzles which must be solved. Learn to deal with it alone without the help of others.
- Being a communicative person. Personal leave silent and ignorant about. It's time for you to establish communication with the environment. So if you need help, people so do not hesitate to help.
- Acknowledge the error. Trust me though easier said but hard to do. Need generosity to bias implement it, especially if it turns out you are personally with high prestige.
- Not easily affected. In any situation, as long as you have a strong principle in trying, do not care what people say, you have the right to determine your own way of life.


Scientific work or scientific literature is the work of a scientists (in the form of the development) who want develop the science, technology, and art obtained through literature, a collection of experience, research, and knowledge of others previously. The scientific work is a statement scientific researchers. So, not just accountability researchers in the use of resources (money, tools, materials) used in the study.
Scientific papers are papers whose contents trying to explain a scientific discussion conducted by a writer or researcher. In Order To tell something logically and systematically to the reader. Scientific works usually written to find answers about something and to prove the truth of something contained object in writing. The term scientific work here is referring to paper that the preparation and presentation is based on scientific studies and scientific workings.
Judging from the short length or depth descriptions, distinguished scientific papers on papers and reports research. In writing, either paper or in a research report, based on scientific studies and how scientific work. Preparation and presentation of works Such preceded by a literature study and field. Thus, the scientific work is defined as the paper who presented the idea or ideas, opinions, comments, facts, and research related to all scientific activities using a variety of scientific language.
Nature of Scientific Work
In contrast to the writing of fiction (novels, poetry, short stories), formal scientific work that must meet requirements. Some of these requirements are as follows:
1. Straightforward and emotional
That is the only scientific work has one sense, do not use the word figuratively, so that the reader does not make interpretation (interpretation) alone own. Therefore, there needs to be limits (definition) operational definition of a term, concept, or variable.
2. Logical
That is a sentence, paragraph, section, prepared on a consistent sequence. The sequence here include understanding the sequence, classification, time (chronological), space, causality, generally special, special-general, or the processes and events.
3. Effective
That is a good paragraph or section should showed the presence of a roundness of mind, there is suppression, and no development.
4. Efficient
The point is simply to use the word or important sentences and easy to understand.
5. Written in standard Indonesian.


Success is the dream of every person, either success in career, business, or in a relationship social. However, we all know that in order to achieve that success is not easy, a journey as well as a series of obstacles that we face and we skip. Everything needed struggle and hard work. There are some or even most people find themselves have done the hard work, for example by working more than 9 hours a day, 7 days a week, and are willing to spend most of their time and energy to work hard the pursuit of financial freedom or other successes, but He felt what he did not get the job in accordance with the hard he had done. Hard work is the we ought to do, but is it enough just to work hard?
Humans have a strength that is diverse, not only human given the physical strength, but also, spiritual, emotional, and intellectual. As with muscle or physical, the more we train our muscles to lift or withstand heavy loads, increasing also the power that of the muscle / physical. Not much different with Another strength is in us, the spiritual, intellectual, and emosianal need also to our practice, as with everything, we can achieve the success we want. The concept of work will be increasingly hard to achieve results if we could mobilize all the potential contained within us, more precisely,
we term "smart work". By maximizing all the potential we have to achieve what we headed, meaning we work smarter and more effective anymore.
The concept of smart work may be familiar to us, but in reality not easy for us to apply concept of smart work at each of our daily activities. That concept of smart work can be attached to the daily activities us, first we fix first is the mindset or our mindset first. Because mindset or the right mindset can change our actions. Then we also need to recognize the potential. By knowing potential or excess on ourselves, then we will be more recognize who we truly are. Malcolm Gladwell in his book "The Outliers" explains 10 thousand hours of theory, where someone will be EXPERTS in a field after doing / studying the same thing in 10 thousand hours. Research does not main- play as one of the objects of research are bands The Beatles leading-surely we know this legendary band, who has created dozens of songs known by allthe world. This theory is now widely used until the school and motivator to show the need for someone to focus and hard work in doing something.
Malcolm Gladwell shows how important hard work accompanied with strong persistence. 10 thousand hours not a short time to work hard furiously pursuit of desire that we expect. Maybe if we smart thinking, we will also learn a thing to someone who has made 10 thousand hours, or a person who has been an expert in a field, so we can apply the good things / Positive self. Hard work combined with smart work will create an effective and efficient work, thus maximum results can be achieved. For that matter we need to do is add our scientific capacity, such as with a seminar or training, reading books, correct or improve the way we are, and so on. The hard work will make every effort that we do close to the door of success, but with smart work, will make the work we do to be more effective and efficient again.


Water has a superb usability for the body, among others:
1. Water as a regulator of body temperature Body condition will decrease as the water content that exist in the body decreases. When the body lack of water, the body temperature will be hot and ride. If we're in the area or a place where the temperature is hot, then our body will need adequate water. On the spot hot like that, the body will respond with sweat to normalize the temperature body. Likewise, when in an air conditioned room, we recommended to drink more, because the air AC will make the body dehydrated and the skin becomes dry.
2. Water is useful to smooth the blood The blood in our body is composed of 90% water. Be Able imagine if our body of water shortage, the blood becomes more viscous. Blood coagulation making supplies of oxygen delivered to the the brain is reduced and allows the stroke. Blood coagulation will also damage kidney function due to renal forced to work extra hard to filter the blood. Even worse again, can lead to colon cancer due to remnants of food in the large intestine hardened.
3. Water can nourish and soften body skin When we rarely drink water, the body will absorb water content in the skin so the skin will be looked dry, dull, rough, wrinkled, and not fresh. The skin is not just the veil that wrapped around the body, but also organ vital very strong. Through the skin of dirt - dirt removed from our bodies. When the pores of the skin covered by particles or small dirty oil (produced by our bodies), the disposal process becomes be obstructed or delayed as a result of the skin appears acne and dark spots. Water is very important to regulate the structure and function of the skin. Adequacy of water in the body needs to maintain moisture, softness and elasticity of the skin.
4. Water facilitate digestion The role of water in the body is very large, because water will aid in the digestive system body. By consuming enough water will assist the work of the digestive organs, such as the colon which serves to prevent constipation (constipation). This matter due to bowel movements become more smoothly, and feces were removed by more smoothly.
5. Water helps the body breathing Our organs functioning in breathing is the lung. Lungs in the body man must always wet in doing duties, due to enter oxygen to the cell body and pumping carbon dioxide out of the body. Our lungs very requires water, this can be proved by means of breathed into the glass, which we will see steam coming out through the breath and visible in the form of dew clinging on glass.
If the body of water shortage, it can be causing health problems, among others:
1. Dehydration
2. Kidney (renal failure, kidney stones)
3. The central nervous system
4. The heart / liver
5. The destruction of red blood cells
6. Prostate
7. Metabolism


As we know that the internet is an abbreviation from * Inter Connected Network * are widely used as tool to search for information, communication, and for networking  social. But it does not mean that the internet does not have benefits in in education. If assessed, are numerous benefits
Internet in education, among others:
1. Finding information
With the internet we can find information about various thing in the world education, such as curriculum changes every year, various examples and how to do the test questions and the UN for all field of study.
2. Communicate / Social Networking
We can communicate with people in various parts of the
world, through
social networks such as: E-mail, facebook, twitter, and others.
3. As a means of learning
Through the Internet we can learn many things from the material which learned today in school, which has been passed, and that has not be learned
4. As a means to search for scholarships either outside or in this school
With the internet we can get information about Scholarships issued by the Government each year / semester, the better it outside school or in school.
5. Internet as a means of distance education
Distance education means that we do not have to always was in one place for education. With the internet we can access Web site 24 hours a day, no matter where ever we are.
Now the Internet has spread throughout the world, the internet already knows no age, young, children, adolescents, and old also already know what it is the internet. However, when viewed from benefit Internet for education, it is possible for we do not continue to diligently seek knowledge, even with sophisticated technology at times this now, but still have to continue education in schools
to walk. Various benefits of the internet we can use as best as possible in implementing the learning process teaching in or outside of school. Pupils and teachers can use internet, so learning and teaching can run smoothly and easily.
With Internet we can get to know the culture further and progress of history and communication more smoothly again. Quick access and tariff which so Cheap internet also includes major benefits in various field. Then information can be changed anytime and anywhere quickly which can aid our understanding. Internet can also be useful as a means for the world whether it's businessstudents and non-students. With the internet we can make money with a value quite a lot, and we can also recognize whose name how good and successful business. Maybe if viewed from all its benefits, we continue. Thinking Internet was very significant in the world of education. But HAVE in your mind the question arises, whether the Internet can negative impact also in the world of education? The answer: Yes, of course because if seen from some cases, many students both women and men who fall in arbitrary behavior, rape, theft, and so forth.
So in the surf we also need to be careful, we must be choose friends who are not foreign to us. We also do not must be accept all invitations by all those present in the our Web site have. But with the advancement of these technologies include the internet, does not mean we should forget the time in learning and forgetting in order to Worship . And we also have to remember not to us fall to download and view websites that are not worthy of such porn sites etc. We should use the internet with the intention the good one not to learn and fall in promiscuity.


Cow's milk remains the greatest?. Every 100 grams of milk heat contained by 70.5 kilocalories, protein as much as 3.4 grams, 3.7 grams of fat, calcium of 125 milligrams, while the percentage of absorption in the body 98% - 100%. In the milk contains vitamin B2 and vitamin A, in addition to protein also contained various essential amino acids for the growth of the body. Now, cow's milk labeled as foods with vitamin complete, also as "white blood" that helps the body's health
human beings.
By consuming a minimum of glass every day, then you will get many benefits of milk for the body, like:
* The content of potassium can move the wall blood vessels so as to keep it stable. So you away from high blood pressure and diseases heart.
* The content of iodine, zinc and its leticin can drastically improve the efficiency of work of the brain.
* Iron, copper and vitamin A in milk has function to beauty, which can maintain the skin to keep shining.
* The content of tyrosine in milk may encourage hormones excitement and make sleep a person becomes more soundly.
* Calcium milk can increase bone strength, prevent Shrinking bones and fractures.
* The content of magnesium in milk can make the heart and nervous system resistant to fatigue.
* Zinc content of cow's milk can heal wounds quickly.
* The content of vitamin B2 in the cow's milk can improve visual acuity.
But according to Da Zhong Jian Kang Wang People who consume a glass of milk every day
minimal got 10 kinds of benefits of milk:
1. Milk contains potassium, which can move the walls of the blood vessels at the time of high blood pressure for keeping it stable, reduce the dangers of apoplexy, also can prevent high blood pressure and heart disease.
2. Can neutralize toxins such as metals, lead and cadmium from other food ingredients are absorbed by the body.
3. The content of tyrosine in milk may encourage hormones excitement-elements in the blood serum to grow in scale large.
4. The content of iodine, zinc and leticin can improve drastically the efficiency for large brain works.
5. Iron, copper and vitamin A in milk has function to beauty, which can maintain the skin to keep shining.
6. Calcium milk can increase bone strength, prevent Shrinking bones and fractures.
7. The content of magnesium in milk can make the heart and nervous system resistant to fatigue.
8. Zinc content of cow's milk can heal wounds quickly.
9. The content of vitamin B2 in the cow's milk can improve visual acuity.
10. Drinking milk before bedtime can help you sleep.

Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

Types of Medicinal Plants and Their Benefits

1. Broccoli
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vitamin C in broccoli amount more than oranges broccoli calcium content is also higher than a glass of milk, and broccoli are also known to contain more fiber than a slice of whole wheat bread was very easy way to consume, can be eaten raw, sautéed, blended as one ingredient soup or steamed vegetables. Improve the workings of the brain Researchers from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society prove that broccoli contains compounds similar to Alzheimer's disease drugs. Alzheimer's is a form of dementia (memory loss) are the most common among the elderly caused by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Broccoli is considered to have anti-acetylcholinesterase most powerful.
https://nitaherlistiany.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/cengkeh-1.jpg?w=300&h=225 https://nitaherlistiany.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/cengkeh-1.jpg?w = 300 & h = 225
Cloves are the dried flower buds of the clove tree generated, clove tree grows in many tropical regions, Indonesia is known as one of the producers of cloves. Many crops produced in the Moluccas. Cloves today largely utilized for flavoring food while utilization for health has been known for centuries. In China clove been used to eliminate bad breath is more than 2000 years ago, at the time of the Emperor to suggest if people want to see him have to chew cloves in advance so that when the talk will smell fragrant. Even cloves in China and Persia also thought to stimulate sexual pitalitas. Cloves are very strong efficacious for drug because it can stimulate. Anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-septic. Once processed into Clove oil can be used for pain relief for tooth pain sufferers because they contain compounds contained therein can help blood circulation and stimulates the skin and when applied directly to the skin. Herewith informed several benefits Clove for treatment, including: • Stimulate aromatic breathing: Used to treat nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, fatigue and indigestion. Clove oil can also be used as a powerful disinfectant and wound healing and can relieve throat. Cloves are used as a real drug used to protect them from colds and flatulence. Helps stimulate blood circulation and regulate body temperature. • Digestive Disorders: Cloves can stimulate production and improve the functioning of the digestive enzymatic. Cloves are used in addressing permasalahn stomach, abdominal pain and digestive problems. As for how pembuatanya drug used to treat vomiting, abdominal pain and throat is to smooth the clove and mixed with honey then dimimum. • Cholera: Cloves are very powerful to overcome cholera because it can strengthen the intestinal and gastric mucus and increase the number of white blood, as for how to take 4 grams of bud cloves and 3 cups of water then boil until half. • Asthma: For the treatment of asthma medications do with taking 6 buds of clove mixed 30 ml of water and a little honey, do it 3 times a day. • Toothache: To use a toothache way to overcome a 10-point Roasted Clove until charred. Milled until smooth, enter the gear bore to taste, then cover with cotton. Apply 2 times a day. Another way: plug cavities with cotton that has been spilled oil of cloves. • Ear Pain: To fix how to apply clove oil into the ear ache using katembat. • Headache: To overcome the headache how to mix clove, salt and milk, because of the nature of the salt can absorb fluid and lowers blood pressure. • Blood Circulation: Clove oil is beneficial to increase your metabolism, by increasing blood circulation will lower the body temperature.
https://nitaherlistiany.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/daun_dewa1.jpg?w=300&h=245 https://nitaherlistiany.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/daun_dewa1.jpg?w=300&h=245
God leaves lush shrub belonging to the 0-1000 meters altitude above the sea level. High plant can reach 50 cm. Single short-stemmed leaves egg-shaped round pointy toes. Both the surface of the leaves with white hair. The color of the leaves in the upper surface dark green, while light green below. The flowers are located at the tip of the stem, yellow tubercular. Pharmacological effects leaf god is an anticoagulant (coagulant = substances that facilitate and accelerate blood clotting), coagulant, stimulate circulation, stop bleeding, remove heat, and cleanse toxins. God leaves contain saponins, essential oils, flavonoids, and tannins. Pharmacological effects obtained from the whole plant. god leaves can also be overcome seizures in children and some kind of bleeding. To overcome injuries hit, do not come menstruation, bleeding in women, breast swelling, coughing, and vomiting of blood throughout the plant leaves pounded gods, or boiled, and water to drink. When children experience seizures give drinking water from a leaf stem god. The leaves can be used to cope with warts and tumors. For warts puree leaves and placed on the affected part and leave until the next day. To overcome the tumor, please eat as a salad leaf gods. To make cancer herb of 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods, 20 grams of ginger and white, 30 grams handsome boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, then filtered and drinking water.
https://nitaherlistiany.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/delima-01.jpg?w=300&h=192 https://nitaherlistiany.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/delima-01.jpg?w = 300 & h = 192
Pomegranate is rich in antioxidant polyphenols, such as tannins and anthocyanins. Medical research has shown that patients who consumed pomegranate juice every day can feel a variety of advantages, namely cholesterol levels dropped, obtain more vitamin C, as well as increased blood flow to the heart. This means pomegranate juice is also effective to keep the heart in order to stay healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. For drinks, pomegranate juice may also prevent and slow the effects of Alzheimer's disease, lower blood pressure, keeping the arteries are not clogged by the buildup of plaque, preventing damage to cartilage, and maintaining dental health
5. Ciplukan
https://nitaherlistiany.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/ciplukan.jpg?w=300&h=246 https://nitaherlistiany.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/ciplukan.jpg?w=300&h=246
Synonyms: Latin Name: Physallis angulata Linn. Or physallis minima Linn Local Name: keceplokan, nyornyoran, cecenet, cecendet CLASSIFICATION: Nation: Solonales Tribe: Solonaceae Highways: Physallis Type: Physallis peruviana L PURPOSE: In Alternative medicine Herbal Influenza, Sore throat, whooping cough, bronchitis, Mumps, Swelling fruit testicles, boils, ulcers, Diabetes, Pain lungs - pulmonary, Ayan, Swelling of the prostate.

6. guava
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Curable Disease: Diabetes mellitus, ulcers, diarrhea (stomach ache), Sign wind, Beser; Prolapsisani, thrush, skin pain, a new wound; Utilization: 1. Diabetes Mellitus Ingredients: 1 guava half masakCara make: guava fruit is split into four sections and boiled with 1 liter of water to boiling, then filtered water untukdiambil. How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon 2. Ulcer Ingredients: 8 pieces of guava leaves are still fresh. Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling, then filtered to take water. How to use: drink 3 times a day, morning, noon and evening. 3. Abdominal Pain (Diarrhea and Diarrhea) Ingredients: 5 pieces of guava leaf, 1 piece of root, bark and stem Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling and then filtered to take water How to use: drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon. 4. Stomach pain or diarrhea in infants who are breast-feeding Material: young guava and salt secukupnya.Cara use: chewed by mothers who breastfeed the baby, the water is swallowed and the waste is disposed. 5. Log Wind Ingredients: 10 pieces of guava leaves are still young, 1 red chilli grains, 3 eyes sour fruit, 1 slice of coconut sugar, salt to taste Method: all the ingredients are boiled together with 1 liter of water to boiling and then filtered to take water. How to use: drink 2 times a day. 6. Beser (frequent urination) Excessive Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves are still young, 3 tablespoons of powdered rice fried without oil (couple = Java) .Cara made: the ingredients are boiled together with 2.5 cups water to boil down 1 cup and then disaring.Cara use: drink every 3 hours 3 tablespoons.
7. lime

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Lime has many benefits. In addition to being a refreshing drink, a fruit that has been consumed for thousands of years, this could prevent the passage and cure various diseases. Indeed, there are so many orange, among others tangerine, sweet orange, lemon, grapefruit sauce, lime, mandarin oranges, and many others. However, in terms of the benefits of none that match the lime. Lime is a herbaceous plant with many branches. Height can reach six feet. The leaves are oval and stemmed. White star-shaped flowers. The stem is woody hard and usually bear fruit after 2.5 years. The fruit is round with smooth surface, thin-skinned, green and yellow if it is old. This plant is thought to have come from the north of India. Citrus fruit juice contains a lot of water and vitamin C is high. Leaves, fruit, and flowers, contains limonene and linalool oil fly. Usually lime grow well in low-lying areas exposed to sunlight. People in the Netherlands, especially who resided in larger cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague, and Rotterdam, have known the benefits of lime since several centuries ago. Similarly, people in the United States. They began to recognize the benefits of lime since the time of ancient Indians. Ohio State Biotechnology Centre in the city of Columbus, Ohio, USA, has done research on the lemon. The result, lime rich in vitamins and contains a number of minerals. Lemon lime merit is still fresh, thin-skinned, green and yellow. In addition to fruits, roots, leaves, and flowers of lime is often used as a medicine. According to Dr. Prapti Utami, citrus fruit juice contains several substances that are beneficial to the body, among others, citric acid, glucose, fats, essential oils, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and amino acids. "The amount of content contained in the lime makes this fruit is widely used as a medicine, the leaves of lemon essential oil can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus (germs on the skin). Lime juice can be used as a gargle in sore sufferers tenggotokan. Smell the scent makes delicious, savory when we rinse. Her skin, if retained in the mouth, can scent or reduce bad breath odor and resolve inflammation because it contains acid that can kill germs. Due to various kandungnan oil and substance in it, lime is also used to overcome dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoids, irregular menstruation, diphtheria, acne, dizziness or vertigo, hoarseness, cough, body odor, increase appetite, prevent hair loss, dandruff, flu, fever, too fat, tonsils, Anyang-anyangan disease (painful urination), nosebleeds, and inflammation of the nose.
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Local Name: Distance trunk of an elephant. Curable Disease: Fever, swelling hit, bitten by a snake usual.Utilization: PART USED: Whole plant PURPOSE: - Fever - Swelling hit - bitten by a venomous snake USAGE: To drink: 10-15 g boiled. The waste is used to paste on the sore spot. Composition: CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Sweet, bitter, cold. Eliminate pain (analgesic), eliminate swelling, eliminate toxins and cleanse the heat.


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TEAK NETHERLANDS (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk) Synonyms: Latin Name: G. tomentosa Kunth.Sun Local Name: Teak londo or teak Sabrang CLASSIFICATION: Nation: Malvales Tribe: Sterculiaceae Highways: Guazuma Type: Guazuma ulmifolia Lamk. USE In HerbalDiare Alternative medicine, stomach pain, Cholera, Penyembelit, Slimming body, Adstringens, cough, stomach bloating, stomach sesek Sense.


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Example Usage Myrtle To Drugs: 1. Ulcer, dried yellow roots as much as 30 g of washed and cut necessary. Boil 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup of boiled water. After chilling filtered and drunk. 2 times a day, each 1/2 cup. 2. rheumatism, sprains, bruises, dry yellow roots as much as 15-30 g of washed and cut necessary. Add wine and water each 1 1/2 cup, then boiled until the remaining 1 cup. After chilling filtered and taken 2 times a day, each glass. 3. Bruising, Myrtle and glass plates, respectively fresh leaves, just as much, washed and milled halus.Tambahkan some wine while stirring over a fire. Warm placed on the body bruised. 4. Pain arthritic joints, yellow roots and root tembelekan (Lantana camara) washed, add 3 pairs of chicken feet. All the material is cut into pieces as needed and then add enough water to submerged / All the ingredients are then steamed. Warm and water to drink as well. 5. Toothache, oil coming out of the burnt yellow bark dropped into cavities. 6. Slimming body, fresh yellow leaves and leaves of noni (Morinda citrifolia) respectively and a handful of meeting as many as 1/2 pinkie sleigh finely ground. Add 1 cup of cooking water, stirring evenly. Squeeze with a piece of cloth. The collected water taken once in the morning before eating. 7. Inflammation of the testicles, fresh yellow leaves as much as 60 g and 35 g of bitter herbs washed and boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 cup water. After chilling filtered, then taken 2 times a day, each 1/2 cup. Do it every day until healed.8. Urinary tract infections, fresh yellow leaves as much as 35 g of washed and then add 3 cups water. Boil until the water remains half. After chilling filtered and drunk 3 3 times a day, each 1/2 cup. 9. Come irregular menstruation, Leaves yellow and leaves nails girlfriend (Lawsonia inermis) each fresh ingredients as much as 1/2 cell, ginger rhizome 1 finger, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Add 3 cups of water and boil until the remaining 1 cup water. After chilling filtered, then taken 2 times a day, each 1/2 cup. 10. Skin rough, fresh yellow leaves as much as 30 g of washed and pounded until creamed. Add 1 cup water, stirring. The material is then dilulurkan on the skin before bed.


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Although this plant is small and funnel-shaped, but has many benefits. For example just for hair makeup, mix Mandian flowers for fragrance, and as usability at the funeral ceremony for the Chinese and Indian. This flower enchanting pull a conversation population in our country because impressed with the shape and color are interesting. Flower color is composed of a wide variety of colors, such as orange, bright red, pink, pale red, yellow, purple, white, and various mixtures of colors. Concise little care, watering and fertilizing perfectly able to restore the freshness of flowers this paper within the last two weeks. And if you want to plant flowers flowering onwards this paper, we only need to reduce the provision of water and fertilizer then put potted plants in a place exposed to sunlight. 

11. The cat's whiskers 

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Cat's whiskers are medicinal plants in the form of wet trunked plants are upright. This plant is known by various terms such as: kidney tea plants / java tea (UK), giri-giri angry (Sumatra), remujung (Central Java and East Java) and songot koneng (Madura). Cat whiskers plant comes from the tropical regions of Africa, then spread to Asia and Australia. Name area: Java Tea (Malay - Sumatra), cat whiskers (Sunda), remujung (Java), se-salaseyan, songkot koceng (Madura). Cat whiskers species found on the island of Java is O. aristatus, O.thymiflorus, O. and O. tementosus petiolaris var. glabratus. Clones cat whiskers grown in Indonesia is white and purple flowering clones. Leaves wet and dry cat whiskers useful used as medicines. In Indonesia, dry leaves used (bulbs) as a drug urine expedite expenditure (diuretic) while in India to treat rheumatism. Community use as a traditional medicine cat's whiskers as a gout cure coughs, colds and constipation. Besides, the leaves of this plant are also useful untu treatment of nephritis, kidney stones, diabetes, albuminuria, and syphilis.

12. Powder 

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Powder is a Javanese term for rhizome type of call, if the people of Aceh called Ceuko, scientific name is Kaempferia galangal. He was among relatives gingers (Zingiberaceae gamilia), so still brother turmeric, ginger, locks, and so on. Like his brother, the other name is still a brother, kencur has similarities here and there without growth stems and rhizomes in the ground form. The rhizome is the most important part of the body, because profits. Powder plants can live anywhere, as long as the soil loose and fertile, with a little shade. By refining the process of kencur will produce essential oils, Based on laboratory analysis, the essential oil in the rhizome kencur contains more than 23 types of compounds. Seven of which contain aromatic compounds, monoterpena, and sesquiterpene. Chemical constituents present in the rhizome kencur are: • starch (4.14%) • minerals (13.73%) • astiri oil (0.02%) • the form of metal acid kanil sineol • • penta independence • • cinnamic acid ethyl daisies • • sinamic acid borneol • kamphene • paraeumarin • anisic acids • alkaloids, and • gum With these chemical substances that are used as drugs, here is how to use kencur based disease that can be overcome: Influenza in Infants Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of thumb and two leaves cubeb (tailed pepper / Cubeb). How to serve: the ingredients are finely ground, then add a few tablespoons of warm water. How to use: applied / dibobokkan around each nose. Headaches Composition: 2-3 leaves kencur. How to serve: kencur leaves until finely ground. How to use: applied (as compress / pilis) on the forehead. Sprain Composition: 1 piece of rhizome kencur and rice soaked in water. How to serve: the ingredients are finely ground and given sufficient water. How to use: applied / rubbed on the part of the sprain as a powder. Eliminate fatigue Ingredients: 1 large rhizome kencur, 2 scoops of rice, fried without oil (couple) and 1 red chilli seeds. How to serve: all the ingredients are boiled together with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, then filtered How to use: drink once and repeated until healed. For men can be coupled with 1 piece ginger and pepper powder to taste. Stomach Inflammation Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb. How to serve: kencur skinned to clean and chewed. How to use: swallow the water, the waste is disposed of, then drink one glass of water, and repeated until healed. A cough. Composition: 1 rhizome kencur of thumb and salt to taste. How to serve: kencur grated, were then added 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered. Search using: drink with added salt to taste. b.Composition: 1 rhizome kencur of thumb. How to serve: kencur skinned to clean and chewed. How to use: water is swallowed, the waste is disposed. Performed routinely every morning. Streamlining menstruation Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb, 1 trengguli leaves, 1 clove old fruit seeds, fennel pulawaras sufficiently. How to serve: kencur chopped, then mixed with other ingredients and boil together with 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, and then filtered. How to use: 2 cups taken once a day.

13. Mangosteen 

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BENEFITS OF PLANT mangosteen fruit can be presented in the form of fresh, as canned fruit, made syrup / juice. Traditionally the mangosteen fruit is thrush medication, hemorrhoids and wounds. Rind used as dyes, including for textiles and boiled water is used as a traditional medicine. Tree trunks are used as building materials, firewood / craft.